Seek and Find Puzzle: Can you spot a duck among the alphabet in 6 seconds?

Find Duck in 6 Seconds

Seek and Find Puzzle: The “seek and find” puzzle is based on the premise of finding an item hidden within a picture within a time limit.

The hidden element can be any object, animal, number, alphabet, etc. This activity is beneficial to increase concentration and improve your observation skills.

In this activity, you will be presented with an image and the challenge before you will be to detect the hidden element. It’s a quick and easy way to check how detail-oriented you are.

Do you want to know how sharp your observation skills are?

Let us begin.

Seek and Find Puzzle: Can you spot a rabbit hidden in the magic show in 5 seconds?

Search and find: find the duck in 6 seconds


Source: Pinterest

The image shared above shows an alphabet scene where different letters can be seen.

There is a duck hiding in this image and you must find it within 6 seconds.

People with great observation skills will be able to spot the duck within the time limit.

Look closely at the image, scan all areas and see if you can spot the duck in show.

Find the difference: only the smartest can detect the difference between the two images in 4 seconds

Did you find the duck on 6Seconsds?

Finding the duck in the image in 6 seconds is a difficult task.

Have you seen the duck?

Hurry up; the clock runs fast.

Do I need a hint?

Here it is.

The duck is not on the left side of the image.

Did you see the duck now?


Time is over.

How many of you successfully saw the duck in the picture?

We think most of you will have already seen the duck, while some are still searching.

Curious to know where the duck is hiding?

Stop looking for the duck and look at the solution below.

Find the duck in 6 seconds – Solution

The duck can be seen sandwiched between two letters G and H. It is marked with a circle for easy identification.


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Optical Illusion Challenge: Can you spot the hidden hippo in the image in 8 seconds?

Categories: Optical Illusion

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