Seek and Find Puzzle: Can you find three cats without tails in the image in 6 seconds?

Seek and Find Puzzle: The “seek and find” puzzle is based on the premise of finding an item hidden within a picture within a time limit.

The hidden element can be any object, animal, number, alphabet, etc. This activity is beneficial to increase concentration and improve your observation skills.

In this activity, you will be presented with an image and the challenge before you will be to detect the hidden element. It’s a quick and easy way to check how detail-oriented you are.

Are you very attentive?

Let’s find out.

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Search and find: Find three tailless cats in 6 seconds


Source: Cool Side

The image shared above shows a cat antics.

All the cats play happily. But are you missing something?

As the title suggests, there are three tailless cats in this picture and you must find them all within 6 seconds.

People with keen observation skills will be able to spot all the cats within the time limit.

Look closely at the image, scan it carefully and see if you can spot three tailless cats.

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Did you find the Three Tailless Cats in 6 Seconds?

Spotting the three tailless cats is a difficult task, but expert puzzle solvers will be able to spot them in no time.

For beginners, it may take a little longer, which is perfectly fine.

You can only improve with regular practice.

Have you seen the cats?

Hurry up; the clock runs fast.

Did you see the three cats without tails?

There are only a few seconds left until the challenge ends.




Time is over.

How many of you successfully detected all the tailless cats in the image?

We think most of you will have already seen the cats, while some are still searching.

Are you curious to know where the three tailless cats are?

See the solution below.

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Find the three tailless cats in 6 seconds – Solution

The three tailless cats are circled for easy identification. The first can be seen jumping, the second waving and the third sitting silently.


Recommended reading:

Seek and find puzzle: You are a genius if you can find the parrot hiding on the balcony in 7 seconds

Categories: Optical Illusion

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