Sarah Silverman sues OpenAI and Meta. Know the exact reasons

Author and comedian Sarah Silverman is bringing a case against OpenAI and Meta along with two other authors, Richard Kadrey and Christopher Golden, in a US district court over claims of copyright infringement.

Lawsuit against OpenAI

Among other things, the lawsuits allege that OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Meta’s LLaMA have been trained on illegally acquired data sets containing their works acquired from “shadow library” websites such as Library Genesis, Bibliotik, Z-Library and many more. further. They say the books are available wholesale through torrent systems. When asked, Kadrey and Golden declined to comment on the lawsuit. Silverman’s team also did not respond.

In OpenAI’s lawsuit, the authors say that when requested, OpenAI’s ChatGPT will summarize their books and therefore infringe their copyright. Silverman’s Bedwetter is the first book ChatGPT can see summarized. Golden’s Ararat and Kadrey’s Sandman Slim are also examples. The claims in the lawsuit also say that ChatGPT did not provide any of the copyright management data that authors included along with their published works.

Lawsuit against Meta

In the lawsuit against Meta, the plaintiffs allege that their books were actually accessible in data sets used by Meta to train the LLaMA models introduced in February.

The lawsuit lays out step by step why the authors believe the data sets have illicit origins, namely in a Mera article containing LLaMA. The company claims that one of its data set sources is ThePile. EleitherAI is the company that assembles ThePile. The lawsuit notes that ThePile was described in the EleutherAI article as being made from “a copy of the content of the private tracker Bibliotik.” Bibliotik, along with other shadow libraries listed in the lawsuit, are alleged to be blatantly illegal.

the claims

The authors claim that they “did not consent to the use of their copyrighted books as training materials” for the companies’ AI models. Each of the lawsuits carries six counts of multiple types of copyright violations, unfair competition, unjust enrichment and negligence. The authors seek compensation for damages and restitution of profits.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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