Puzzle to Test Your IQ: Identify which bottle will up first in the picture within 15 secs!

Brain teasers to test your IQ: Do you like to solve brain teasers and brain teasers in your free time? Then this brain teaser is just for you! Brain Puzzles makes a simple brain teaser more interesting by adding a fun element to the puzzles. In this type of IQ puzzles, you have to analyze the problem carefully and arrive at the answer using your logical and analytical reasoning skills. You must think creatively to come up with the solution as the answer will not be in front of you. So, we came up with an interesting puzzle where you have to identify which bottle will be filled first in the picture.

IQ Test Puzzle: Identify which bottle will appear first in the picture!


Image source: Pinterest

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In the image above, you have to guess which bottle will be filled first. The image shows 7 separate bottles with a faucet dripping water into bottle number 1. After looking at the confusing array of pipes and misaligned bottles, can you see which bottle will be filled with water first? An active mind can solve this puzzle in 15 seconds as it is easy. Use a slightly less straightforward approach to arrive at the solution. As a heads up, the answers to this brain teaser are right below the question, so make sure you don’t scroll too much and cheat!

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Clue: Look at connecting pipes he bottles through which water will be poured into different bottles.

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Did you see the bottle that will be filled first in 15 seconds?

In this mental puzzle, all you had to do was look at the connecting tubes through which the water will flow into the bottles. Let’s look at the 7 bottles one by one:

– The water from bottle number 1 will flow first to bottle number 2 and then to number 3.

– If you look closely, the tube that connects bottles number 1 and number 2 is blocked. So, the water will not reach bottles number 6 and 4 either.

– Now, the water will flow to bottle number 3 only.

– Bottle number 5 and 7 are connected with bottle number. However, the tube connecting bottles number 3 and number 7 is blocked.

– So, bottle number 5 will be filled first.

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So the answer to the riddle is that the water coming down from bottle number 1 will fill bottle number 5 first, since the pipes connecting to bottle number 2 and bottle number 7 are blocked.

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This puzzle was complicated but simple as it required less duration and brainpower to solve. But you sure feel great when you discover the answer in just a few seconds. This brain teaser is just another fun way to test your IQ. However, taking an actual IQ test is a good way to find out your IQ level. So tell us, do you know what color will appear on the top of this IQ puzzle?

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Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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