Prove Your Math Skills By Solving This Math Riddle.

Prove Your Math Skills By Solving This Math Riddle

Solving math puzzles is fun, especially when you do them right.

But did you know that solving them can also improve your brain capacity? In fact, research shows that practicing math puzzles helps develop problem-solving skills.

They are a great way to practice basic arithmetic and algebra skills. They also help develop logical thinking and reasoning skills. Plus, they’re fun.

What a win-win situation!

That’s why we’re back with another math puzzle to help improve the functioning of the logical part of your brain.

Check out the puzzle posted below.


Puzzle credit: Imran sir mathematics

Here you can see three triangles with numbers written around them.

Can you find a pattern to these numbers?

And what number will replace the question mark in the third triangle?

If you are good at math, you will be able to solve this riddle easily, but if math is not your strong suit, you will have to work hard to find the answer.

If this seems too easy for you, then we will turn this math riddle into a challenge for you.

You have to solve this in less than 17 seconds.

And your time begins now.

Go! All the best!

You must have already discovered the answer.

If so, congratulations are in order. We knew you could do this.

Still, we are going to reveal the answer so you can compare your calculations.

In the first triangle, (5 x 6)/2

=> 30/2

=> 15, which is the number in the middle of the triangle

In the second triangle, (2 x 8)/4 =

=> 16/4

=> 4, which is again the number in the middle of the second triangle.

Similarly, in the third triangle, (7 x 4)/14

=> 28/14

=> 2

Therefore, the number in the middle of the third triangle is 2.

We hope you liked this math riddle.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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