Pokémon Go Medals list, all Platinum Medals and Catch Bonus explained

Medals in Pokémon Go act as a form of in-game achievement system, cataloging your many achievements throughout the game.

You will occasionally be interrupted by full-screen prompts informing you of a Medal you just unlocked while playing Pokémon Go, similar to the full-screen prompts you receive when you increase your Trainer level, with the Medal level you have. just unlocked.

These badges are not only stat trackers, recording everything you do in the game, from the distance traveled to the number of Pokemon types you’ve caught, but they also give you a variety of bonuses and rewards.

In October 2016, earning type-based medals offered a capture bonus, while in November 2020, platinum medals, a fourth level, for certain categories would help unlock certain trainer levels 40 and above as part of the Go Beyond update and Season of Celebration.

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How does the Pokémon Go catch bonus work?

To get started with Medals, you can view all of your Medals by tapping on your Trainer icon in the bottom left corner of the map screen and scrolling down.

The Medals screen is categorized into two sets; the top set shows the ‘traditional’ medal goals, such as distance traveled and the number of Large Magikarp you’ve caught, which don’t give you any bonuses, and the bottom set groups all medals by type, which reward catch bonuses .

The higher the Medal, the higher the Capture Bonus for that Type; Bronze is worth +1, silver is +2, and gold is +3.

If the Pokemon you’re up against has multiple types, such as the normal/flying-type Pidgey and its evolutions, it will take the average of those two catch bonuses.

The question is, plus three that exactly? Well, that’s a bit of a mystery, and it currently has the Pokemon Go community scratching their heads.

The leading theory is that it’s a percentage increase, which may not sound like much, but if it’s the base catch rate before the bonuses for using more powerful Pokéballs and Razz Berrys are applied, it could be quite powerful for Dragonite, which are inherently difficult. capture.

But in general, the catch bonus means that the more Pokemon you catch, the better your chances of catching Pokemon in the future, which is particularly helpful when even low-level Pokemon become difficult to catch at higher levels.

Pokemon Go Catch Bonus List Including Platinum Catch Bonus Requirements Explained

Each medal in Pokémon Go has bronze, silver, gold, and silver requirements, and for the type-specific medal, a corresponding catch bonus, listed below.

Thanks to the Silph Road subreddit (virodoran and ginji in particular) for helping us develop this list.

Type-specific medals with capture bonuses:

Medal Activity Bronze (Capture Bonus) Silver (Capture Bonus) Gold (capture bonus) Platinum (capture bonus)
schoolboy Catch normal-type Pokémon 10 (+1) 50 (+2) 200 (+3) 2500 (+4)
Black tape Catch Fighting-type Pokémon 10 (+1) 50 (+2) 200 (+3) 2500 (+4)
bird keeper Catch Flying-type Pokémon 10 (+1) 50 (+2) 200 (+3) 2500 (+4)
punk girl Catch Poison-type Pokémon 10 (+1) 50 (+2) 200 (+3) 2500 (+4)
doom maniac Catch Ground-type Pokémon 10 (+1) 50 (+2) 200 (+3) 2500 (+4)
Walker Catch Rock-type Pokémon 10 (+1) 50 (+2) 200 (+3) 2500 (+4)
bug hunter Catch Bug-type Pokémon 10 (+1) 50 (+2) 200 (+3) 2500 (+4)
manic hex Catch Ghost-type Pokémon 10 (+1) 50 (+2) 200 (+3) 2500 (+4)
escrow agent Catch Steel-type Pokémon 10 (+1) 50 (+2) 200 (+3) 2500 (+4)
kindler Catch Fire-type Pokémon 10 (+1) 50 (+2) 200 (+3) 2500 (+4)
Swimmer Catch Water-type Pokémon 10 (+1) 50 (+2) 200 (+3) 2500 (+4)
Gardener Catch Grass-type Pokémon 10 (+1) 50 (+2) 200 (+3) 2500 (+4)
Rocker Catch Electric-type Pokémon 10 (+1) 50 (+2) 200 (+3) 2500 (+4)
Psychic Catch Psychic-type Pokémon 10 (+1) 50 (+2) 200 (+3) 2500 (+4)
Skier Catch Ice-type Pokémon 10 (+1) 50 (+2) 200 (+3) 2500 (+4)
dragon tamer Catch Dragon-type Pokémon 10 (+1) 50 (+2) 200 (+3) 2500 (+4)
fairy tale girl Catch Fairy-type Pokémon 10 (+1) 50 (+2) 200 (+3) 2500 (+4)
Offender Catch dark-type pokemon 10 (+1) 50 (+2) 200 (+3) 2500 (+4)

Other medals in Pokémon Go, including platinum medal requirements, listed

In addition to the specific Catch Bonus medals above, there are also other medals you can unlock for completing in-game activities.

Most of these have no impact on the game itself, although some are requirements to unlock specific Avatar gear and certain trainer levels 40 and above.

Thanks to the Silph Road subreddit (virodoran and ginji in particular) for helping us develop this list, which is written in the order these Badges appear on your Trainer profile.

Medal Activity Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
Backpacker Visit PokéStops 100 1000 2000 50000
Jogger walk long distances 10 kilometres 100km 1,000 kilometers 10,000 kilometers
Kanto Register Kanto Pokémon in the Pokédex twenty fifty 100 151
Collector catch pokemon 30 500 2000 50000
Scientist evolve pokemon 3 twenty 200 2000
Breeder hatching eggs 10 100 1000 2500
Fisherman Capture the great Magikarp 3 fifty 300 1000
battle girl Win Gym battles 10 1000 1000 4000
Young Catch Little Rattata 3 fifty 300 1000
Pikachu fan catch pikachu 3 fifty 200 1000
Johto Register creatures from the Johto region 5 30 70 100
A stranger Catch Unown 1 10 26 28
berry master Feed the berries in the gyms 10 100 1000 15000
gym leader Defend gyms for several hours. 10 100 1000 15000
Champion win raids 10 100 1000 2000
honn Register Gen 3 Pokémon in the Pokédex 5 40 90 135
Sinnoh Register Gen 4 Pokémon in the Pokédex 5 30 80 107
Unova Register Gen 5 Pokémon in the Pokédex 5 fifty 100 156
battle legend Win Legendary Raids 10 100 1000 2000
pokemon rangers Complete field research tasks 10 100 1000 2500
Idol Become the trainers best friend 1 2 3 twenty
Gentleman trade pokemon 1 100 1000 2500
Pilot Gain km over distance from all Pokemon trades 1000 100000 1000000 10000000
Ace Trainer** Train in Trainer Battles 10 100 1000 2000
cameraman Have surprise encounters in Go Snapshot 10 fifty 200 2500
Major League Veteran Win manager battles in the Grand League 5 fifty 200 1000
Ultra League Veteran Win Trainer Battles in the Ultra League 5 fifty 200 1000
Master League Veteran Win Trainer Battles in Master League 5 fifty 200 1000
Best friend have best friends 1 10 100 200
Purifier Purify Shadow Pokémon 5 fifty 500 1000
Hero Defeat Team Rocket Grunts 10 100 1000 2000
ultrahero Defeat the Team Go Rocket boss, Giovanni. 1 5 twenty fifty
mega evolution guru Number of unique Mega Evolutions 1 24 36 46
Successor Total number of Mega Evolutions 1 fifty 500 1000
Walker Review Niantic Wayfarer Submissions 100 750 1000 1500
Rising Star Defeat different species of Pokémon in Raid Battles 2 10 fifty 150
triathlete 7 day streaks completed 1 10 fifty 100
picknicker Pokémon caught by a lure module 5 25 500 2500
Tourist Visit Unique PokéStops 10 100 1000 2000
Rising Star Duo Win raids with a friend. 10 100 1000 2000
friend finder Recommend new players 1 10 twenty fifty
raid expert Make the raid achievement screen 1 fifty 200 500
Kalos Register Gen 6 Pokémon in the Pokédex 5 25 fifty 72
To the Register Gen 7 Pokémon in the Pokédex 5 25 fifty 86
Galar Register Gen 8 Pokémon in the Pokédex 5 25 fifty 89
friend finder recommend trainers 1 10 twenty fifty
hisui Register Pokémon Hisui in the Pokédex 1 3 5 7
little pokemon collector Catch Pokemon XXS 5 25 100 500
Pokemon Jumbo Collector Catch Pokémon XXL 5 25 100 500
showcase medal Earn PokéStop Showcases 1 10 fifty 100
pales Register Gen 9 Pokémon in the Pokédex 5 30 80 104

** Originally debuted as “Train in Gyms”, but in the summer of 2017, the feature was revamped to remove it. This medal was later reintroduced in December 2018 with the introduction of Trainer Battles.

Pokemon Go Fest Global 2023 is almost here and the Noxious Swamp event is live! Elsewhere in Hidden Gem Season we’ve seen the release of Routes, Zygarde, and a new season of Go Battle League. Be sure to compete in Shadow Raids, use Daily Adventure Incense for a chance to run into Galarian Articuno, Galarian Zapdos, and Galarian Moltres. This incense can also give you encounters with other rare Pokémon in Pokémon Go.

Other things to know about Catch Bonus and Medals in Pokémon Go

  • There are medals for attending Go Fest events throughout the year. These are required to attend the event in question, provided you have a ticket, and remain in your account as a badge afterward. Each individual has an event, for example, Chicago Go Fest will have a unique entry for 2017, 2018, 2019, etc.
  • Some medals will only show up once you have started working towards them. For example, ‘Pikachu’ won’t appear until you’ve captured your first Pikachu (if you want to start a Pikachu in Pokemon Go, we’ve got a helpful guide for that), Wayfarer won’t appear until you start. check tickets etc. The same also applies to various types and other game objectives.
  • Once you’ve unlocked a medal, you can tap on it to see your progress to the next medal level. Once you reach Gold level, the figure will track your progress, allowing you to see exactly how many small Ratattas or normal-type Pokémon you’ve amassed in your illustrious Trainer career.
  • Fun fact: each Badge is named after the Trainer classes in the main games (which are the characters you fight on the Routes and in the dungeons).
  • Creatures received through Trade also contribute to the Badge’s progress, including Fisher and Youth Badges of specific size.

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Categories: Guides
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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