Personality Test: Your Standing position reveals these personality traits

Standing Personality Test: In our previous personality tests, we explored what personality traits are revealed based on nose shape, foot shape, toe length, sleeping position, sitting position, favorite coffee, walking style and more. Today we are back with another personality test that reveals interesting personality traits based on your position style. Yes, several behavioral studies have concluded that leg position reveals personality.

Are you standing with your legs parallel to each other? Or legs slightly apart? Or with your legs crossed? Or one foot forward? You would be surprised that our posture can reflect how we think and feel. We look at four classic ways of standing, for both men and women, to explore what your standing position says about you.

What does your standing position say about your personality?

Standing Personality Test

Standing Personality #1: Legs Parallel

Standing Position Personality Test Parallel Legs If you are standing with your legs parallel to each other, then your personality reflects submission or respect for authority. You are not a very dominant individual when you talk to people. You tend to be more pleasant and a good listener. However, that doesn’t mean you lack knowledge or confidence in a conversation. You surely possess tact and objectivity in your communication. Standing with your legs parallel to each other also helps you calm down when you feel overly excited, scared, nervous, etc.

People who stand with their legs parallel to each other also have a neutral stance on a topic. They would be participating in a conversation, however, they do not intend to have strong feelings or become involved in the topic being discussed. Women are usually seen standing with their legs parallel to each other when speaking to their female counterparts or when they are not interested in moving forward with a date.

Key Traits: Submissive, Respect for Authority, Pleasant, Good Listener, Tactful

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Standing Personality #2: Legs slightly apart

Standing Position Personality Test With Legs Slightly Apart

If you are standing with your legs slightly apart, then your personality reflects an inclination to be overbearing and bossy. You exude confidence and assertiveness. You stand in a way that seems like you’re trying to occupy a larger space. You are not afraid to make your presence felt in the crowd. You tend to speak your mind with confidence and also stand your ground.

People who stand with their legs slightly apart are also quite dominant in their way of communicating. This standing position is considered a powerful position. It is usually found quite frequently in men, although women also present themselves this way to indicate power and dominance.

Key Traits: Authoritarian, bossy, very confident, assertive, dominant

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Standing Personality #3: One Leg Forward

Personality test in standing position with one leg forward

If you stand with one leg forward, then your personality reflects comfort and contentment with yourself and your surroundings. You have a very relaxed vibe. You are living in alignment with your inner self. You live in the present moment. You wear a heart on your sleeves. You openly show your feelings and emotions. You will be honest in your communication. You will keep it simple and express what is on your mind.

People standing with one leg forward usually indicates a sign of interest or attraction. In a group setting, you are more likely to point your foot toward the person you find most interesting or attracted to. However, in case of disinterest in a certain environment or desire to go out, one will most likely advance one leg with the feet pointing towards the nearest exit.

Key traits: self-satisfaction, relaxed, living in the present moment, simple, open

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Standing Personality #4: Crossed Legs

Personality test in standing position with one leg crossed

If you are standing cross-legged, then your personality reflects that you enjoy your own company more than being in a crowd. You may be defensive or protective of your emotions and feelings. At times, you may also lack confidence in certain situations or conversations. You can also be quite submissive at times. You are not easy to relate to strangers. You will most likely cross your legs in the presence of new people joining your group. In an elevator, you will most likely find yourself crossing your legs at the ankles when strangers enter the elevator. This is not necessarily nervousness, but rather closure to new experiences.

People who stand with their legs crossed at the ankles are often slow to open up. They are quite cautious, especially in the presence of strangers or new people. However, if you cross your legs but smile with your arms uncrossed, then you are relaxed and would like to stay, but at the same time you are defensive or evaluating the situation in your mind. These cases can be found among couples who meet for the first time. In some cases you also find yourself crossing your legs and leaning on a wall or something to support your back, this is usually to say “I am very interested in what we are talking about and I would like to stay longer.” Although keep in mind that if one crosses his legs and arms, he probably doesn’t feel very positive about the conversation or the situation and would like to leave.

Key Traits: Defensive, cautious, closed to new experiences or people, evaluating a new partner, lack of trust (sometimes)

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Did you enjoy reading about your standing personality traits?

You may not even realize that your posture is a subconscious result of your experiences and personality. However, it must be kept in mind that as we evolve throughout our lives, our subconscious takes on new traits or gets rid of old habits. We grow as individuals, learn new things about ourselves and change our mindset, so one can also find themselves in a combination of two or more positions. You will have to delve deeper into the context of the situation, the conversation, and the people involved to understand deeper ideas from your own mind.

Tell us in the comments section below: What is your standing position?

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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