Personality Test: The Way You Hold Your Fist Reveals Your Personality Traits

Fist Personality Test: The way you make your fist can reveal hidden aspects of your personality. A study published in the journal ‘Personality and Individual Differences’ found that people who make a fist with the thumb out are more likely to be outgoing and assertive. Another study, published in The Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, found that people who make a fist with the thumb out are more likely to be perceived as powerful and in control.

In this fist personality test, you can explore different fist styles and personality traits. What are your personality traits if you clench your fist with your thumb in? Do you make a fist with the thumb facing out over the index finger? Does the fist make a fist with the thumb, blocking all the fingers?

Read the fist personality test here on Jagran Josh to find out what your fist style says about you!

Personality Test: The Way You Make a Fist Reveals Secrets About You

fist personality test#1 Fist with thumb against index finger

fist personality testIf you clench your fist with your thumb against your index finger, your personality traits reveal that you have high levels of IQ that can help you earn higher income, achieve academic success, and high job performance. You may be trained and suitable for very complicated professions, such as an engineer, neurosurgeon, physicist, etc. Although the options are not limited, as you are prepared to be effective leaders thanks to your strong communication skills.

You are likely to possess high levels of self-confidence, openness to new experiences, and great organizational skills. You can also master reasoning and processing information to solve a problem. You may be among that 1% of the population that has the ability to improve, acquire new skills, and make smart decisions. You may be outgoing and friendly.

The top 10 personality traits of people with high IQ include:

  • Empathy and compassion
  • Highly observant and adaptable.
  • Thirst to learn new skills and about the world in general.
  • Maturity and self-control
  • Good short term memory
  • Mentally flexible
  • Willingness to self-educate
  • Ability to ask the right questions.
  • Good language, reasoning and judgment skills.
  • Effectively lead a group of people.

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#2 Fist with thumb blocking all fingers

fist personality testIf you clench your fist with your thumb over all your fingers, your personality traits reveal that you have great creative intelligence. You are imaginative, passionate, one of those who follow their dreams, a creative thinker, intuitive, open to learning and discovering new things, conscious, sensitive and daring to take unconventional paths.

You have the ability to turn adversity into opportunities. Consider suffering, loss, defeat, and struggle as catalysts for self-transformation, personal growth, and creativity. You can be ahead of the crowd if you master using your sensitivity to produce artistic masterpieces. Your mindfulness helps you be in the present moment while you let your mind wander to explore artistic expressions. You possess empathy, compassion, enhanced memory, introspection and self-regulation.

The top 10 personality traits of creative people include

  • ‘Outside the box’ thinking style
  • Eccentric
  • Independent
  • Ability to be vulnerable
  • Innovative
  • Gullible
  • You can be both extroverted and introverted.
  • Always looking for mentally stimulating activities.
  • Curious
  • High energy levels

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#3 fist with thumb inside

fist personality testIf you clench your fist with your thumb inside all your fingers, your personality traits reveal that you are an extremely charming, magnetic, and charismatic person. You shouldn’t be surprised to find people gathered around you. What people admire about you is your positive attitude, sincerity, confidence, patience, curiosity, open-mindedness and unwavering demeanor.

You have the ability to be well no matter the situation. Your ability to find peace and strength even in difficult or provocative environments makes you a challenging but attractive person. The secrets of your charming personality say that you are always smiling, at peace and not obsessing about the past, speaking calmly, making people be good to themselves, showing interest in others, complimenting people, making eye contact, chasing your dreams and hobbies, etc.

The Top 10 Personality Traits of Very Charming People Include

  • Self awareness
  • Warm and close
  • Persuasive and attractive
  • Relaxed and open body language, such as using hand gestures when speaking.
  • active listener
  • Very considerate of other people.
  • Use failures for personal growth
  • Do not seek unnecessary attention
  • He is not quick to judge people’s character.
  • Interested in other people’s stories.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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