Personality Test: The Season You Choose Reveals Your Most Treasured Personality Traits

Personality Test: The Season You Choose Reveals Your Most Treasured Personality Traits

Personality Test: Every person in the world has a distinct personality that is a result of nature, nurture, or both. No one really knows why we think or behave the way we do. Why some people like apples more than oranges, or prefer the color black to red, is a mystery yet to be solved.

However, one thing is certain. Your choices can say a lot about your character. After all, personality is nothing more than an extended pattern of life choices and habits. Today we bring you one of those fun and exciting personality tests.

There are four main seasons in the world: summer, winter, spring and autumn. Look at the following image and choose a season. Do not think too much; let your subconscious mind think.

Relax and take the test in a calm environment. You will be surprised to know that the season you choose reveals your most precious personality traits. So, without further ado, let’s dive in.

The season you choose reveals your most precious personality traits!

Light and temperature directly influence your mood, which in turn shapes your personality. Seasonal changes affect your circadian rhythm and your mind. There is scientific evidence as to why some people prefer winters while others like summers. Your favorite season can positively or negatively affect your behavioral tendencies. Over time, this becomes an inherent part of your personality.

The season you choose reveals your most precious personality traitsSeason #1: Summer

Summer season

If summer is your chosen season, you are an explorer. You have extroverted personality traits and like to be outdoors. You like the warmth and energy that summer brings and live an active lifestyle. You are optimistic, dominant and very sociable. You are friendly and immediately impress anyone you meet. Your lively personality is contagious, but you can also be impulsive and hot-headed at times. Check your boldest personality traits, too.

Season #2: Winter

Winter season

If you’re a winter person and can’t stand the heat, chances are you’re a classic introvert. You’d rather stay home and soak in the warmth of your blanket than dress up to go outside when it’s cold. You like to curl up on the couch with a hot drink or light a fire nearby to read or watch a movie. You are prone to melancholy but you have a strong mind to overcome it. You are reserved, calm and value your privacy above all else. You don’t like people intruding on your private space. However, you are very empathetic and loving. You are a loyal friend, a loving companion, and an overall responsible person, even though you prefer to live as an outcast.

Season #3: Spring

Spring season

Spring is considered one of the most beautiful seasons and is when most flowers bloom. If you choose spring, you are a creative person. You can’t stand inactivity and crave new experiences. You are creative, energetic and calm. You are also patient and forgiving. You like to learn and have an endless curiosity to acquire knowledge. You are a voracious reader and full of brilliant ideas. You like to influence others and you are also a good leader. Check your dominant personality traits based on your favorite drink.

Season #4: Autumn


Autumn is marked by the time of year in which summer is passing and winter is approaching. It is also when the trees lose their leaves, painting the landscape a vibrant orange and yellow. If you like autumn, you have a bold personality. You like to take risks and live a carefree life. You are free spirited and want change. You like to be on the go and are always planning ahead. Sitting is not your thing. You are also friendly, familiar and sociable. You like to socialize with others and spend time outdoors.

Did you enjoy this unconventional personality test? Be sure to tell us in the comments. And don’t forget to share the test with your friends. Let others have fun too.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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