Personality Test: The Mountain You Pick Reveals Your Subconscious Personality Traits

Personality Test: One of the most elegant and majestic places in the world are the mountains. Full of excitement, wonder and danger, mountains are elevated portions of the Earth’s crust. Some are picturesque, while others are gloomy. But each mountain tends to evoke an emotional response in people.

But did you know that the mountain you prefer can reveal your subconscious personality traits? Yes that’s how it is. A viral quiz is trending on the web and consists of six different mountains. You have to choose one of them. Your choice is directly linked to the type of person you are.

Related: Personality Test: The Animal You See First Reveals Your True Personality Traits

Personality is nothing more than a pattern of our choices throughout life. It influences and is also influenced by our choices, whether they are our favorite foods, friends or partners. Knowing who you really are is important to achieving your goals, and taking personality tests is a step forward in that direction.

Check out the following mountain personality test, popularized by Understanding Compassion, to learn more about your true self.

Also Try: Personality Test: What You See First in This Image Reveals Your Top Personality Traits

The mountain you choose reveals your subconscious personality traits!

Mountain Personality Test

Mountain #1

Mountain personality 1

If you choose Mountain 1, you have a calm character. You like peace and tranquility in life. You are also quite practical and don’t like to waste time. You make full use of the tools you have to achieve results. You don’t like to waste your effort and do only what is necessary. Neither less nor more. You are relaxed and try to get out of situations the easiest way. You lack ambition compared to others, but you have a pleasant and calm personality that attracts most people.

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Mountain #2

Mountain Personality 2

If you choose this beautiful mountain, you are an independent bird. You have an optimistic nature and don’t let anything get you down. You like to move forward, take on challenges and experiment in life. You value your private space above all else and hate confrontations. You avoid conflict at all costs and continue to live a patient and calm life. Your affinity for peace and composure makes you an ideal friend and partner.

Mountain #3

Mountain personality 3

Mountain 4 is the famous Mount Fuji in Japan. This amazing giant of nature is chosen by people who like adventures and challenges. If that’s you, then you also prefer to live each day as if it were your last. You value freedom above all else and don’t stick to the rules. You live freely and seek new and exciting experiences. You want to enjoy life to the fullest and not even your own limits can stop you. You are spontaneous and outgoing.

Mountain #4

Mountain personality 4

If this serene mountain range is your choice, you are a typical extrovert. You are the life of the party and the center of attention. Brimming with humor and charm, you attract almost everyone around you. You like to live in the present rather than dwelling in the past or pursuing difficult future goals. You want to enjoy life to the fullest and you love to learn, explore and experience new things. You usually listen to your heart in moments of crisis.

Related: Personality Test: The Beach You Choose Reveals Your Deepest Personality Traits

Mountain #5

Mountain Personality 5

If you choose Mountain 5, you are brave and not afraid of situations. You live an unconventional life and don’t care what people think of you. You are a lone wolf and your mental resilience knows no limits. You like to walk the undefeated path and you are a highly creative, artistic and innovative person.

Mountain #6

Mountain Personality 6

When you reach the last mountain, if this is your choice, you are a typical introvert. You avoid crowds, parties, and social gatherings, as they drain your energy. You prefer to spend long hours in solitude than to go out. You like to contemplate the meaning of life and enjoy philosophy. You are deeply thoughtful and empathetic. You often think a lot about decisions.

If you enjoyed this mountain personality test, check out some more fun and insightful personality tests and quizzes below.

***Image credits: Pixabay

Categories: Optical Illusion

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