Personality Test: The Drink You Choose Reveals Your Dominant Personality Traits

Personality Test: The Drink You Choose Reveals Your Dominant Personality Traits

Personality Test: Every person possesses a unique personality that is the result of nature, nurture, or even both. Some people are shy, some are boring, and some are so charismatic they could probably charm the pants off a statue. It all comes down to an individual’s personality.

Your personality is nothing more than your inherent characteristics, formed throughout life. Your choices and decisions have a direct influence on your personality and vice versa. That is what distinguishes each one’s behavior. Today we bring you a fun personality test. Your choices on the test will reveal your dominant personality traits.

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The drink you choose reveals your dominant personality traits!

Alcohol is part of five of the ten most consumed drinks in the world and has existed for thousands of years. Alcohol is used in beverages for recreational purposes as it releases endorphins (pleasure hormones) and produces a better mood, greater confidence and an overall relaxed mind.

However, liquor is considered a vice and is medically proven to be very harmful to health if consumed frequently. But in limited quantities, drinking can be quite pleasurable and most people have the same opinion. On that note, look at the image above and choose a drink from the six.

According to studies, your favorite alcoholic beverage can say a lot about your character, and this viral personality quiz works on the same idea. The alcoholic beverage you choose reveals your dominant personality traits.

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Drink #1: Beer

Personality Drink 1 Beer

Beer is the most popular alcoholic beverage in the world and the preferred choice for most people. It is light, cheap and easy to access. If you chose beer, you know how to relax. You are satisfied in life but you also get stressed easily. You have a lot of things to do and you like to relax whenever possible. You have a good eye for detail and are full of knowledge. You also don’t care much about other people’s opinions of you, especially if you prefer traditional beers. If you prefer craft beers more, you are adventurous and full of energy.

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Drink #2: Wine

Personality Drink 1 Wine

Wine is one of the oldest and most delicious alcoholic beverages. If you choose this grape-derived liquor, you are a social butterfly. You like attending parties and meeting new people. You can talk for hours and you love to know and tell secrets. You also crave new experiences and have an organized nature. You have class and confidence. You don’t bend easily and are fine with the way things are going, no matter what others think. White wine drinkers tend to be a little more sociable than red wine drinkers, who prefer more intimate company.

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Drink #3: Whiskey

Personality drink 1 whiskey

If you choose whiskey, you are mature and confident. You have a lot of knowledge but you tend to keep it to yourself. Your humility is one of your greatest traits. You are comfortable interacting with people and sometimes put on a remarkable display of social skills. However, you like to enjoy your free time alone. You are informed and cautious. Your friends and family see you as a trustworthy person. You are intelligent and prefer to surround yourself with similar people.

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Drink #4: Vodka

Personality drink 1 vodka

If you chose this Russian liquor, you will be calm and collected by nature. You are responsible and you don’t like taking unnecessary risks. You live a simple life and chase comfort instead of impossible dreams. But that doesn’t mean you’re not ambitious. You like to keep your goals achievable and set your priorities in order. You don’t give in easily and you do everything with a purpose. Living a life without purpose is no way to live, it is your belief.

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Drink #5: Rum

Personality drink 1 rum

Rum lovers are free souls. If you choose this molasses-based liqueur, you will be carefree and relaxed. You don’t worry about minor things and you are always on the go. You like to explore, travel and have fun. You are the type of person who is a social magnet. Although you don’t try to attract people, your personality makes you irresistible. You dress well, you speak with passion and you are sensible by nature. You care about others and adapt quickly to different environments, whether it be a place or a relationship.

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Drink #6: Champagne

Personality drink 1 champagne

Finally, we come to the world’s celebratory drink, champagne. It is a sparkling wine originally from France and was the drink of royalty. If you chose champagne, you are no different. You have great taste in everything from cars, food and clothes to people. You are eloquent, indifferent and full of hope. You are the type of person who is genuinely happy with your life and looks forward to each day. You also have a friendly disposition and are full of grace and warmth. You treat others with respect. You are very optimistic and always see the good side.

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That is all for now! We hope you enjoyed this personality test. Mind you, these tests are purely for information and entertainment and should not be taken too seriously.


That is all for now! Hopefully, you enjoyed this personality test about alcoholic beverages. Mind you, these tests are purely for information and entertainment and should not be taken too seriously. Everyone has a different constitution and has different personalities, such as different levels of alcohol tolerance. Some people’s drink of choice is whiskey, while others wouldn’t even smell a glass of whiskey. Some like draft beer, while others prefer champagne. Then there are those who don’t drink anything and order lime juice at a bar. There is nothing wrong with any of these people and their behavior is different due to their upbringing, lifestyle and heritage. What you choose to drink can reveal your dominant personality.

Check out some more fun personality tests and quizzes below.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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