Personality Test: Are You A Pisces? Your Zodiac Sign Reveals Your Hidden Personality Traits

Pisces Zodiac Sign Personality: Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac cycle and is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions. People born between February 19 and March 20 fall under this sign. Pisces is a water sign and those born under it are known for their intuitive nature, creativity and sensitivity. Let’s delve into the personality, relationships, and career of Pisces individuals.

What kind of person are you if your zodiac is Pisces? What are your personality traits? Learn key facts about Pisces in love, career, strengths and weaknesses. Also, check out some career options for the Pisces zodiac sign below.

When does Pisces season start?

Pisces sun sign birth dates are between February 19 and March 20.

Pisces Personality Traits

Pisces Zodiac Personality and Career Traits

Pisces people are known for their dreamy and imaginative nature. They have a rich inner world and often spend time daydreaming or getting lost in thought. They are very empathetic and compassionate people who feel deeply. This sensitivity can make them prone to getting hurt easily and they may need some time to recover from emotional setbacks.

Pisces individuals are very creative and artistic and often have a natural talent for music, art, writing, or other creative pursuits. They are very intuitive and can pick up on subtle signals and energies that others may miss. Pisces individuals are also very adaptable and can adapt quickly to new situations and environments.

The way you hold your phone reveals your hidden personality traits

What day were you born? Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday

Pisces zodiac in love and relationships

In relationships, Pisces individuals are very romantic and idealistic. They crave emotional connection and may have a tendency to merge with their partners, which can sometimes lead to codependency. They are very intuitive and can pick up on their partner’s feelings and needs without being told. This makes them excellent partners who are very in tune with their partner’s emotional needs.

What does your parting style reveal about you?

Does the zodiac sign reveal personality? Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leon | virgin | pound | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarium

Pisces Zodiac Personality Traits: Negative

Pisces individuals can sometimes have difficulty setting boundaries, which can cause them to be taken advantage of. They may also have difficulty making decisions, as they are very empathetic and often consider the feelings of others before their own. Pisces individuals may also have a tendency to escape into their own world when things get too difficult, which can sometimes lead to procrastination and avoidance.

Personality secrets on date of birth? Born 01/10/19/28 | Born 02/11/20/29 | Born 03/12/21/30 | Born 04/13/22/31

Personality secrets on date of birth? Born 05/14/23 | Born 06/15/24 | Born 7/16/25 | Born 08/17/26 | Born 09/18/27

Careers for people of the Pisces zodiac

Pisces individuals are very creative and imaginative, making them natural artists, musicians, writers, and poets. They are also very empathetic and compassionate, making them excellent counselors, therapists, and social workers. Pisces individuals are excellent at working behind the scenes and are highly adaptable, making them great at navigating the ever-changing landscape of the entertainment industry.

Careers for people of the Pisces zodiac







Social worker








Spiritual Master

yoga instructor




Costume designer

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