Optical Illusion: Who said dinosaurs are extinct? One is still alive! Can you find the hidden dinosaur?

Although all the dinosaurs became extinct, one was able to survive and today is part of this fun challenge. Can you find the hidden dinosaur in no more than 10 seconds?

Remember those scary dinosaur stories you used to listen to with your mom and dad as part of your bedtime ritual! While you were all fascinated and a little scared by the idea of ​​a dinosaur, your parents assured you that you are in no danger from one, since they are all extinct. What if we told you that not all dinosaurs are extinct? Would you believe us?


We all know what happened a few million years ago with all the dinosaurs in the world. About sixty-six million years ago, a devastating asteroid collided with Earth and caused the extinction of all dinosaurs on the planet. In fact, the dinosaurs were not having a very good day that day. However, not all dinosaurs were so unlucky. Paul, a tiny dinosaur, saw all the devastation with his eyes, but was saved by drowning in the sea for a time. The sea waves were also incredibly dangerous, but not risky when the asteroid hit. However, with the grace of God and the strong waves, Paul managed to reach the shore, all wet. While it is difficult to say whether there were veterinarians available around sixty-six million years ago, if there were, they would all unanimously agree that Paul will not be able to survive. However, fate had other plans for Paul. After a deep sleep of more than two hundred years of deep sleep, Paul woke up with the first ray of sunlight. This was Paul’s second chance at life. He woke up, with the body of an adult, and felt detached from the new place. It took him hours to remember and figure out what happened, and after hours and days of deep introspection and putting the pieces of the puzzle together, Paul was able to understand the whole story. However, it is never too easy to accept a harsh past. Paul cried and cried for hours over the loss of his family and loved ones. We don’t know if there were newspapers at that time, but if there were, they would all read the same headlines ‘All the extinct dinosaurs on the planet!’. This same news made Paul regret staying alive. The fact that he will never be able to find anyone like his in the entire world made him cry even more. We don’t know if there were psychologists at that time, but if there were, they would all say that Paul suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Phew! Paul has a difficult past!

Now that it’s 2023, Paul is a grown man and still looking for a friend. While no matter how much you and we like Paul, making a dinosaur his friend is never a good idea.

And oh, partying after a hidden dinosaur shows up isn’t a good idea either.

So what do we have to do now?

Well, let’s first start by finding the hidden dinosaur, Paul!

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The rules

Here we are again and we find the hidden animals challenge. The rules of the game are quite simple and straightforward. All you have to do is find the hidden dinosaur in no more than 10 seconds. While there were no smartphones at the time the asteroid hit millions of years ago, fortunately, today we have our favorite smartphones in our hands. Let’s use them to keep track of time. Simply set a timer for 10 seconds on your phone. Now, start searching for the hidden dinosaur right when the timer starts and stop right when the timer tells you to. Remember, cheating with a dinosaur is never a good idea!

Enthusiastic? Here you have!

Find the hidden dinosaur in just 10 seconds!

JagranjoshImage source: Best Quiz (YouTube)

Grrr! Could you hear the roar of Paul, the hidden dinosaur?

Well, it’s hiding here!


Image source: Best Quiz (YouTube)

Now that you have successfully found the hidden dinosaur, can anyone tell us what we should do to help Paul?

What do we do in cases where we eagerly want to help a fictional creature, but are terribly scared of it? Well, we finish the story! PROBLEM SOLVED!

Optical illusion: Is this little bird playing hide-and-seek with us? Can you find the hidden bird?

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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