Optical Illusion: The granny is about to sleep. Is there any beetle around? Can you find the hidden beetle?

Find the hidden beetle!

Grandma is about to sleep, but we should know that there is a beetle around the bed. Can you find the hidden beetle?

Remember the first best friend you had in life. Well, that wasn’t the kindergarten friend you played with, but your grandmother who brought out her inner self to play with you. Grandmas are the best people in our lives who, one moment, play all kinds of childish games and, the next, give us the most important and wise life lessons. Our grandmother is the only person who always had the power to safeguard us from our parents’ scoldings. Our grandmother is the one who introduced us to the concept of pocket money and helped us live the best of our childhood. An old saying goes that while we were our grandmother’s last best friends, our grandmother was actually our first best friend.

However, as we grow up, we make new friends and eventually our grandmother starts to feel lonely. While our parents take care of responsibilities and we take care of other childhood happinesses, our grandmother begins to feel alone. And then one day you realize that your grandmother is getting older and you wish you could spend more time with her.

Not only do we regret the moments we could have played with our grandmother, but we also feel the need to serve our grandmother and give back to her for everything she did to us.

Today we give you that opportunity. While we couldn’t get a photo of your grandmother, we are here with a grandmother you can imagine as your own. After a busy day, this grandmother is about to sleep. Old age makes the lady tremble and move slowly. First, Grandma is busy thinking about something deep. Once she is done with the deep thought, she will slowly take off her glasses and slide onto the bed. Now we must know that there may be a beetle hidden in the room. Now, Grandma is afraid of beetles, and the way you can serve this Grandma is that you can find the hidden beetle before Grandma slides down. Now, the problem is that we can’t make Granny aware of the danger. You can simply spot the hidden beetle, if there is one, and we will drive it away. This way you will make it safe for grandma to sleep peacefully. Now that you know what to do, you’re ready for the rules of the challenge. Read on to learn the rules before starting the challenge.

Challenge rules!

The rules of the challenge are quite simple and straightforward. Grandma is about to sleep and you need to check if there are any beetles nearby. Hey, we can’t tell grandma. It will take Grandma about 8 seconds to take off her glasses and you will need to find the hidden beetle in just 8 seconds. Set a timer for 8 seconds on your phone. Start searching for the hidden beetle the moment the timer starts. Stop just when the timer goes off. Now that you know the rules of the challenge, she begins searching for the hidden beetle.

Find the hidden beetle in just 8 seconds


Image source: The Guardian

Is there a beetle around grandma?

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Yes, here is the beetle.


Image source: The Guardian

Well, dear readers, you made sure Granny had a safe place to sleep peacefully. Yes, although it was a very small gesture, you actually did a very good job. We are very proud of you, dear readers!

READ ALSO: Optical illusion: The ant gets naughty with the elephant. Find the ant hidden in the elephant’s body before it bites you.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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