Optical Illusion: Can you Spot Four Corn Husks among Pineapples in 17 Seconds?

Optical Illusion: Optical illusions have gained a lot of popularity over the years. Its popularity is due to its amazing ability to trick our brain. There are three forms of optical illusions: physical, physiological and cognitive.

In addition to being a good source of entertainment, optical illusions also help in research studies by generating information about the functioning of the human brain.

Studies suggest that optical illusions are excellent resources for studying the way the human brain works. Scientists use optical illusions in the field of psychoanalysis.

Optical illusions also help improve your observation skills as well as improve your situational awareness.

Ready to test your observation skills?

Let us begin.

Optical illusion: find the hidden fish in 11 seconds

Optical illusions: find four corn husks in 17 seconds


Source: Dudolf

The image above is the creation of Hungarian artist Gergely Dudás, also known as Dudolf, known for creating optical illusions.

You can see in this picture that there are many pineapples in the field with rats peeking out of every corner, trying to find ways to eat the pineapple.

Also, they are looking for four corn husks that are sweet and rats love to eat sweets.

The challenge for you is to find the four corn husks in 17 seconds. The corn husks have mixed in with the pine cones, making them difficult to spot.

Finding the corn husks among the pine cones is a difficult task, since both the corn husk and the pine cone are yellow in color.

Did you see the corn husks?

Hurry up, time is running out.

Look carefully and try to find any deviations you can see.

Maybe the rats can guide you or is it just a distraction?

How many have you seen so far?

Time is almost up.

We think some of you might have managed to spot at least 2 or more.

You have great observation skills if you were able to detect more than 2 shells.

Now many of you will be curious about the location of the corn husks.

Continue scrolling down to find the solution.


Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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