Only the smartest can solve this picture puzzle in 10 seconds!

Solve Triangle Picture Puzzle in 10 Seconds

Picture Puzzle: One of the most popular puzzle challenges on the internet today is a picture puzzle.

In this activity, the reader is presented with an image and asked a certain question based on the image.

The user must answer the question by studying the image.

These challenges activate brain regions responsible for logical and analytical thinking, which can improve brain health by improving attention span and preventing cognitive decline in adults.

Are you ready to test how smart you are?

Let’s dive in.

Also read: Find the fake hairdresser in 5 seconds. 93% will fail!

Picture Puzzle – Solve a triangle puzzle in 10 seconds


Source: Cool Side

The image shared above shows a puzzle in the form of values ​​in and around triangles.

The task for you is to identify the number that will be completed in the last triangle.

This tricky picture puzzle will test your logical and analytical thinking skills.

It is a great way to improve brain health by improving cognitive abilities.

Study the image carefully and see if you can solve it within the time limit.

The key to solving this puzzle is to identify the pattern.

Once you identify the pattern, it will be a piece of cake for you.

Have you identified the pattern?

Hurry up; time is running out.

Focus on the image and try to spot the pattern.

There are only a few seconds left.





Time is over.

Were you able to solve the puzzle?

Congratulations to those who were able to detect it within the time limit.

Those who couldn’t solve it in time should not feel disappointed.

With regular practice, you will improve.

Curious to know the solution.

Then look at the solution below.

Also read: Only very smart people can find out who is lying in 9 seconds!

Solve Triangle Picture Puzzle in 10 Seconds – Solution

The solution to this puzzle is the following:


If you observe carefully, the pattern followed in the three triangles is such that you have to subtract the number on the left side of the triangle from the number above and multiply the result by the number on the right side of the triangle.

For example, if this is the case of triangle 1, the value 8 is obtained by:

6 – 2 = 4

4 * 2 = 8

Using the same method, the value of the last triangle becomes 3.

Recommended reading: Only 10% of people can find 3 errors in an image in 7 seconds. You are one of them?

Categories: Optical Illusion

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