Only individuals with best logical skills can spot which clown is a serial killer in 7 seconds!

Visual quiz puzzles are a great way to test your problem-solving and observation skills. These puzzles often feature hidden elements or patterns that are difficult to detect at first glance. These hidden items can include any inanimate objects or living beings such as animals and humans. The visual puzzle we present to you today is quite different from the ones we have done before. In this visual test, you must implement your observation skills and act like a detective. Solving visual quiz puzzles can be challenging, but it can also be a lot of fun. So are you ready? Let’s start.

You have the gift of vision if you can spot the milkmaid in the image within 8 seconds!

What clown is a serial killer?


Source: 7 Second Riddles

You have the investigative skills of a detective if you can spot the vampire at the party within 6 seconds!

The puzzle illustrates four clowns showing off their skills and entertaining the crowd at a circus. But beware; Don’t be fooled by their ridiculous costumes and exaggerated movements; One of the clowns is extremely dangerous. There is a serial killer hiding among the clowns. Can you find who? You have only 7 seconds to find and catch the serial killer. So don’t waste a single second. All the best.

The solution is just below.

Only true cat lovers can find the woman’s cat on the chart in 5 seconds!

Visual test solution


We hope this picture puzzle was as fun as it was challenging. Check these out too:

Only someone smart can tell which lines are parallel in the image in 7 seconds!

You will have very sharp eyesight if you can spot the village’s fifth musketeer within 7 seconds.

You have eyes of a hawk if you can spot the snake in the desert in 9 seconds!

Categories: Optical Illusion

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