Ognjen Vranjes Ethnicity, What is Ognjen Vranjes’s Ethnicity?


Ognjen Vranjes is of Caucasian descent. Ethnicity identifies a group based on perceived cultural uniqueness.

Ognjen Vranjes, born on October 24, 1989, is a popular Bosnian football player.

According to online sources, Ognjen Vranjes is white and was born in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

real name

Ogyan Franese

date of birth

October 24, 1989


34 years old


6 feet 2 inches (1.88 meters)


89 kg (196 lbs)

place of birth

Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina




bosnian football player

Country of Citizenship

Bosnian, Yugoslavian





Who is Ogoyan Vranes?

Ognjen Vranješ, born on October 24, 1989 in Banja Luka, Yugoslavia, is a Bosnian professional football player. He currently serves as a central defender for Serbian Premier League club Kukaricchi. Vranes showed off his defensive skills at both center and right wing positions. Additionally, he has previously contributed to Turkish side FC Elazigspor.

Franez’s performance on the pitch was eye-catching. His versatility as a defender adds a strategic dimension to his game, proving his value and influence in football.奧格延·弗拉涅斯(Ognjen Vranješ) 的職業生涯跨越了多個俱樂部並擔任過多個職位,他繼續為這項運動做出重大貢獻,體現了經驗豐富、適應能力強的足球專業人士的quality.


Nationality of Ogenjen Vranes

Ognjen Vranjes shows his loyalty to his country by proudly identifying himself as a Bosnian professional footballer. Born on October 24, 1989 in Banja Luka, Yugoslavia, Vranjes has become a prominent figure in football, contributing his skills and talents at national and club level.

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Ognjen Vranjes height and weight

Ognjen Vranješ is approximately 188 cm (6 ft 2 in) tall and embodies the stature of a commanding defender on the football field. Although the specific weight (196 pounds) is 89 kilograms, players in Franez’s position usually maintain a balance between strength and agility, which contributes to their effectiveness on defense. This combination of height and weight within the competitive range showcases Franez’s physical attributes, which will be crucial in his role as a center back. For the most accurate and up-to-date measurements, it is recommended to refer to official sources or recent information.

physical properties



188 cm (6 ft 2 in)


(196 lbs) 89 kg

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Categories: Entertainment News
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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