New petaFLOPs supercomputers will be launched by India in 2023. What are petaFLOPs?

India will launch its new 18 petaFLOP supercomputer in the year 2023. As stated by Union Earth Sciences Minister Kiren Rajiju on May 24, these supercomputers will be used for weather forecasting institutes in the country.

A lot of expectations are placed on FLOPs, as they are expected to improve weather forecasts at the block level. These supercomputers are also expected to help weather scientists provide higher resolution ranges of weather forecasting. It cannot be missed that these supercomputers will also be useful in predicting cyclones with maximum precision and with better lead time. In addition, FLOPs will also provide forecasts of the state of the oceans and communicate seawater quality forecasts to scientists.

What are FLOPs?

Floating point operations per second, abbreviated as FLOP, is a popular metric that is useful for measuring computational performance, efficiency, and processing power, primarily in the areas of high-performance computing (HPC) along with artificial intelligence (AI).

M Ravichandran, Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences, made a statement saying, “Currently, we give forecasts with a resolution of 12 kilometers. The new supercomputer will improve it to reach a resolution of six kilometers. “Our goal is to achieve one-kilometer resolution forecasts.” Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences paid a visit to the National Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasting, abbreviated as NCMRWF in Noida. He stated that the cost of the supercomputer will be Rs 900 crore.

Floating point operations use mathematical calculations using fractions and real numbers.

On that note, how many FLOPs can a computer achieve?

Central processing units and graphics processing units are some types of modern computer systems that are designed in a way that they are capable of performing innumerable operations at the same time, with the help of parallel processing techniques. This concept greatly improves the number of FLOPs that the system can achieve in a given period of time. In recent years, computing power has increased significantly.

What is meant by petaFLOP?

Today’s computers have significantly greater computing capabilities. Therefore, the FLOP metric is often expressed in giga (billions), tera (trillions), or PETA (quadrillions) of operations per second. These may be called GFLOP, TELOP, and PFLOP, respectively. So what is the metric value of petaFLOP?

One petaFLOP is equivalent to one thousand TFLOPs. You can also say that one petaFLOP is equivalent to 1015 FLOP.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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