NASA Earth Picture Puzzle: People with high IQ can spot the Location in the Satellite Image!

NASA Earth Image Puzzle: Every month, NASA shares a puzzling satellite image with viewers. The goal is to raise awareness about the places on Earth that are hidden gems. These places often have some interesting facts that make them unique on earth. Recently, NASA shared one such satellite image that has gone viral on social media. They asked viewers to guess the location by focusing on three questions: where is it, what are we looking at, and why is it interesting.

NASA Earth Puzzle: People with high IQ can detect the location on the satellite image!


Image source: POT Land

The image above was shared by NASA and shows an image of a location on Earth. NASA created this puzzle for viewers and challenged them to find the location in the image by asking them “Ready for a puzzle? Tell us where in the world this is, what we’re seeing and why it’s interesting.”

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This viral satellite image has made people scratch their heads as it is quite difficult to detect the location in the image. The trickiest part of this image is detecting the location and the interesting fact about the location in the image. Therefore, it has been claimed that only people with high IQ can detect the location in the image.

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NASA Earth Puzzle Answer

So the answer to the riddle is that the location in the image shared by NASA is Crater Lake in Oregon.


Image source: NASA

The image was captured on March 18, 2023 by Operational Land Imager (OLI) on Landsat 8. Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the United States, at 1,943 feet (592 meters) deep, and is therefore also It is among the deepest in the world.

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In the image, you can see a detailed view of the lake’s southeast shoreline, including landmarks such as Phantom Ship Island, Mount Scott, and Pinnacles Road. Phantom Ship is a small island whose rocks are remains of an ancient volcanic cone that survived the eruption and collapse.

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NASA also shared the clear view of Crater Lake and explained that “The lake is especially picturesque in early spring, when its deep blue waters contrast with a blanket of snow on the land.”


Image source: NASA

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According to data shared by NASA on April 4, 2023, snow depth at Crater Lake reached 170 inches (more than 60 inches above average). The interesting thing about this lake is that despite the winter and spring snowfalls, the surface of the lake remained unfrozen. Official data reveal that the last time the lake was frozen was in 1949. Thus, in the image you can see the intense blue color of the thawed lake contrasting with the white and gray surroundings.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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