Myth or Reality: The 10-Second Rule of Dropped Food

Myth or Reality: The 10-Second Rule of Dropped Food

Myth or reality: The 10-second rule of food falling is a common notion that is especially prevalent among schoolchildren and food lovers. The 10-second rule states that any food that falls on the floor or any other surface is safe to eat as long as it is picked up within 10 seconds. While the 10-second rule is a sensitive topic in the scientific community, several studies have been conducted on it that reveal the truth. Read on to find out if the 10-second rule is a myth or reality.

What is the 10 second rule?

The 10 second rule is an extension of the 3 and 5 second rules. These are common beliefs among food lovers and students based on the issue of food contamination. The 10-second rule says that if a food item is dropped on the ground or any other surface, it is safe to consume if it is picked up within the stipulated time, whether that be three, five or 10 seconds.

How did the 10 second rule come about?

No one knows how superstitious beliefs originate. However, historians have traced the origins of the 10-second rule to the Mongol emperor Genghis Khan, who supposedly declared that any food prepared for him was safe to eat, even from the ground. The belief probably spread to other regions.

Then there is the issue of food. Kingdoms have crumbled, prospered, and even gone to war over food. It was a precious commodity in the old days, unlike today when almost half the world is overweight and 1 in 10 people are undernourished. Scientists believe that the idea of ​​preserving food, especially during difficult times, may also have given rise to the 10-second rule.

Why is the 10 second rule so popular?

There are several reasons behind the widespread prevalence of the 10-second rule. But the most rational is the increasing deliciousness of food.

Ask yourself: Would you pick up a vegetable like broccoli if it fell to the ground? Unless you really like eating green vegetables, the answer is probably a resounding No!

No one likes to eat food off the ground, but sometimes there is no other option. A boy, full of energy, opens a packet of potato chips and spills half of them on the floor. The natural instinct is to collect them as quickly as possible. After all, fries aren’t free and they taste good. You probably wouldn’t hesitate to eat your favorite dessert if it fell on the floor either.

Is the 10 second rule a myth or reality?

There have been numerous studies on the 10 and 5 second rules. He even appeared in an episode of the popular Discovery series Mythbusters. Although the results were not conclusive.

However, the 10-second rule is a myth according to science. There is no scientific basis for the theory that it is safe to eat food from the ground if it is consumed within a few seconds.

Surfaces are filled with all kinds of contaminants and disease-causing agents such as dirt, fecal matter, chemicals, microorganisms and viruses. While dirt can be removed with washing, it is not as easy to get rid of microorganisms, especially from habitable objects like food.

A group of researchers at Rutgers University concluded that the moisture level of the food and surface led to a greater accumulation of microorganisms than dry foods and surfaces such as a cookie on a carpet. Tile, steel and wood have a higher microorganism transfer rate than carpet. Plus, bacteria don’t wait 10 seconds to build up on food. The process is immediate.

You have to understand that microorganisms are not like the cockroaches or ants that you may see attacking your food. They are microscopic and even an area as small as the tip of a pin can contain millions of harmful bacteria. And just a few of them are enough to make you sick.

It doesn’t matter if you pick up the food in 10 seconds, five seconds or immediately; It becomes contaminated the moment it touches any surface.

Should you eat food from the ground?

About 12 percent of foodborne illnesses are caused by surface contamination. Not all microorganisms cause disease and the effectiveness of the 10-second rule also depends on the type of food, environmental factors and the type of surface. But eating food off the ground is a game of chance. You may or may not get sick.

You may have gotten away with implementing the 10-second rule due to a strong immune system or external factors. But you never know when you will encounter a microorganism or virus that is too strong for the immune system.

Therefore, it is best to play it safe and avoid the 10-second rule altogether.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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