Math Riddles: Are You A Genius? Can You Solve This Square Math Puzzle Within 30 Seconds? Dare to test Your IQ Here!

Math Riddles: Are You A Genius? Can You Solve This Square Math Puzzle Within 30 Seconds? Dare to test Your IQ Here!

It’s Monday again, the first day of the week. What can be better than a Monday math puzzle to prepare your brain for another 7 challenging days? Additionally, math puzzles are an integral part of recreational math. They don’t involve any kind of pressure competition, just you and your fun math puzzle!

The solver is supposed to find the solution and interact with the mathematical puzzle logically to find the correct answer.

You can do it? Strategizing moves and applications can be difficult, but not scary. Furthermore, these math riddles and brain teasers sharpen your brain to a great extent.

What are mathematical puzzles?

Math Riddles are puzzle games where players try to find a solution to a problem. As fun as they are, the practice also challenges your brain. They are a great way to boost brainpower and lateral thinking skills, maintain memory strength, and delight yourself! It often requires thinking unconventionally while taking into account certain limitations; sometimes, it involves lateral thinking.

Let’s find out if all this is true or not! Are you ready?

Here we go!

Math Puzzle Challenge

Look at the image posted below. You will find a mathematical puzzle that only those with a high IQ will be able to solve. Check this math puzzle carefully and find the missing number.


source: simplylogical

It is easy?

Could you solve this complicated math puzzle?

If you could solve it, let’s make it a challenge.

Dare to do it in 30 seconds!

Find out how fast you can solve this math puzzle. If you can solve this puzzle in less time, it will be even better.

Now, go ahead and bring out your mathematical brain to solve this complicated riddle. Your time starts now.

All the best!




Time is over!

Mathematical fact!

Numbers on opposite sides of a die always add up to seven.

Have you already solved the mathematical puzzle of the square? Let’s reveal the answers now. Let’s solve it together.


To solve a math puzzle, look at the puzzle and try to solve it to find the solution to the problem. If you can’t find the solution, we have an answer for you. If you’re still working on it, we have the solution to this math puzzle. This puzzle will allow you to see how enthusiastic you are and how reasonable an observer you are. If you still need help, the following image will help you understand the solution.

Since you have gone through the image, there is a chance that you have some idea about the puzzle we have presented to you. If you’re still solving the puzzle, don’t worry; Take your time and you will have a chance to find the solution for the image. So, make your brain get some ideas about the given puzzle and use your math skills to the fullest extent to solve this problem.

Here is the solution

The square math puzzle can be divided into three equations to find the missing number

Equation 1

Three squares are given here.


23,23 and 16 then,



So, according to this logic, if we multiply the first two numbers in each row, we get the third square number by adding all the constants of the product.

Similarly we can prove the following row,

Equation 2




Final equation



Let’s find the missing number

31×31= 961



the solution is 16

Good job!

Do not miss it!

Mathematical puzzles: are you a genius? Can you solve this key math puzzle in 15 seconds? Test your IQ here!

Math Puzzles – Can you solve a math table puzzle in 15 seconds? Test your IQ here!

Math Puzzles: Do you have a high IQ? Solve these figures and find the missing number!

Categories: Optical Illusion

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