Lula assumes office as Brazil’s president! Let us know more about the president

Meet Brazil

The year 2023 began with a great event for Brazil when Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was sworn in as President of Brazil for a third term. It is not the first time that Brazil has faced President Lula. Previously, he assumed the presidency for the period from 2002 to 2010.

With great power comes great responsibilities. The Brazilian economy is not experiencing a very fantastic moment. Perhaps it is not a mistake to say that the Brazilian economy is in its worst situation, thanks to the impacts induced by the pandemic. The economic crisis is a huge challenge for the country, and Lula is the next hope that the Brazilian people have.

Furthermore, all eyes have turned to Lula for his approach to the conservation of the Amazon rainforest.

It would not be a mistake to say that many Brazilians trust Lula’s abilities. This faith in man is cited a lot in his origin and education. Lula stands out as a special president because he comes from the working class. This improves the president’s reliability before the people. And no one can deny the great charisma, sincerity and devotion of the man towards the not so privileged sectors of the country. All of these aspects and more have contributed to the man’s popularity and political success over the years.

It would not be a mistake to say that many Brazilians trust Lula’s abilities. This faith in man is cited a lot in his origin and education. Lula stands out as a special president because he comes from the working class. This improves the president’s reliability before the people. And no one can deny the great charisma, sincerity and devotion of the man towards the not so privileged sectors of the country. All of these aspects and more have contributed to the man’s popularity and political success over the years.

The president’s story so far!

Lula da Silva belonged to a humble family of farmers in the northeastern region of Brazil. The man had 7 brothers. Raising eight children was becoming difficult due to Lula’s parents’ meager agricultural income and that is why Lula, his mother and his six siblings moved to Santos. Later they moved to Sao Paulo.

Lula did not have a very fascinating start to life. Her childhood was not a bed of roses, unlike other children. Due to family situations, he was forced to leave school in the fifth grade. He then helped his family survive. The president’s journey has been special and inspiring. After leaving school, he worked as a shoeshine boy on the streets of Sao Paulo.

Later he started working as an office worker.

His adolescence was not relaxing or fun either. He got a job in a factory when he was a teenager.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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