Know Yourself Test: Way You Hold Your Pen Reveals Your Hidden Personality Traits

Know Yourself Quiz: What does your pen-holding style say about you? How do smart people hold a pen? Does your pen holding style reveal your personality traits? Some people hold their pen or pencil between their thumb, index finger, and middle finger, while others hold the pen between their index and middle finger. We all have different styles of holding a pen or pencil. Studies have shown that our pen-holding style reveals our personality traits.

What does your pen holding style say about your personality?

What does your pen holding style say about your personality?

Pen holding style #1: between index finger and thumb

Pen holding style: between index finger and thumbIf you hold the pen between your index finger and thumb, your personality traits reveal that you love learning new things, new concepts, a new way of life, etc. You love acquiring new experiences and exploring new places. You tend to be a mysterious person. You don’t like to talk about your life or yourself. Although you are an extroverted person when you socialize with people. You have the art of being private and at the same time being the life of a party. You may face challenges when you have to be vulnerable and express emotions. When you find yourself in painful situations, you can choose to suppress your anger and emotions to deal with them in your private space. You don’t like to be seen in complicated situations.

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#2 Pen Holding Style: Fingers Overlapping Thumb

Pen holding style: thumb and overlapping fingersIf you hold your pen with your thumb overlapping your fingers, your personality traits reveal that you are ruthless. You stop at nothing to get what you want. You are an enterprising and ambitious person. You act on your emotions, whether it’s happy, angry, sad or hurt. You tend to find fuel in your emotions. You may also often find yourself overanalyzing things and situations. You may also feel anxious about things that stress you out. You tend to surround yourself with people who help you bring out the best in you. You can easily get hurt or offended. You may be sensitive and insecure at times. Although you are a very trustworthy person.

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#3 Pen holding style: between index finger and middle finger

Pen holding style: between index finger and middle fingerIf you hold the pen between your index finger and middle finger, your personality traits reveal that you may enjoy a social life and be a people person. You can’t afford to gossip or talk trash behind people’s backs. You can enjoy dinner with coffee, tea or your favorite drinks and talk about global issues, national news, economics and world affairs. You can share your deepest, hidden emotions only with the people you trust the most or have a deep intimate bond with. You may not like holding grudges or wasting energy on negative emotions. You may quickly let go of bad memories or events. His forgiving nature and ability to keep the peace endear him to his friends and family.

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#4 Pen holding style: between thumb, index finger and middle finger

Pen holding style: between thumb, index finger and middle fingerIf you hold the pen between your thumb, index finger, and middle finger, your personality traits reveal that you may have two sides to your personality. You can be analytical and emotional depending on the need of the situation. You may want to analyze and come to a conclusion after thinking carefully about situations that require time to observe. While in case of situations that require your emotional involvement, you are also suitable for the same. Sometimes you may also find yourself in a rather bad mood. Sometimes you find yourself very excited and hyper about little things, while some days you might want to get angry over little things. You are generally extremely kind and generous, however, sometimes you also like to be critical. You may sometimes judge things or people harshly.

Tell us in the comments: Did you enjoy reading the personality traits of pen holding styles?

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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