International Orangutan Day 2023: Date, History, Significance, Types

Orangutans, the venerable sages of the forest kingdom, reign majestically among the treetops. They affirm themselves as the most colossal inhabitants of the arboreal extension. These large creatures build intricate nests for their abode, sporting elongated arms and deftly wielding tools when the need calls.

As ancestors of gorillas, orangutans boast impressive lifespans, ranging from 50 to 60 years. A fascinating fact links us humans to them: a staggering 97 percent of our DNA is intertwined with theirs. Tragically, the prolonged situation of global deforestation has overshadowed these wondrous beings, pushing them over the precipice of danger. Their sanctuaries dwindle and their cherished homes vanish.

International Orangutan Day 2023 Date

Annually, the world comes together to honor International Orangutan Day on August 19. This time, a wake-up call rings out, rallying champions to safeguard these majestic denizens and free them from the brink of oblivion.

History of International Orangutan Day 2023

Orangutans gamble their existence in the treetops, so the dangers of deforestation have plagued their way of life. Its ethereal existence, perching and foraging among the branches, now fights against adversity in the heart of the forest. International Orangutan Day emerges as a beacon of awareness, illuminating the grim repercussions of deforestation on these habitats, turning orangutans into a tragic emblem of impending extinction.

Importance of International Orangutan Day 2023

The storm of deforestation threatens to erase orangutans from the annals of the Earth in just half a century. At this time, the imperative arises to examine the seismic impact of deforestation on these majestic creatures and to advocate for the defense of their sanctuaries. Embrace the spirit of this day by delving into the world of orangutans, spreading their story to family and comrades, adding your signature to petitions, and perhaps embarking on a volunteer journey for organizations that advocate for their conservation.

Types of biological species

The nickname “orangutan” translates to “man of the forest” in Malay. In their lush lowland habitats, orangutans lead solitary lives. They devour wild fruits such as lychees, mangosteen, and figs, while they quench their thirst in tree cavities. To sleep and rest, they build vegetated nests on high branches. Adult male orangutans weigh a whopping 200 pounds. Flanged males feature pronounced cheek pads known as bridles and sport a throat sac used to make resonant vocalizations, aptly called long calls. On the other hand, a bridleless male resembles an adult female. In a one-of-a-kind biological event within the primate world, a bridled male has the ability to transition into a bridled male, a process that has yet to be fully elucidated.

Bornean and Sumatran orangutans exhibit slight disparities in both appearance and behavior. While both sport shaggy reddish fur, Sumatran orangutans flaunt longer facial hair. Reports suggest that Sumatran orangutans foster closer social connections compared to their Bornean counterparts. Bornean orangutans have a greater propensity to descend from the treetops and move along the ground. Both species have experienced drastic population declines. Just a century ago, the total orangutan count probably exceeded 230,000, but according to the most recent data, Bornean orangutans number around 104,700 (endangered) and Sumatran orangutans number just 7,500 (critically endangered) within their revised geographic areas.

In November 2017, a third species of orangutan was revealed. With a sparse population of no more than 800 individuals, the Tapanuli orangutan claims the title of being the most endangered of all the great apes.


Categories: Optical Illusion

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