International Friendship Day 2023: Date, Theme, Know the History, Importance & More

International Friendship Day 2023: Every year World Friendship Day is celebrated on July 30. The day founded by the United Nations in 2011 serves as a reminder of the value of social connections in building a harmonious and inclusive global community. Its goal is to foster unity, understanding and compassion, transcending cultural and geographic boundaries.

International Friendship Day 2023: date and theme

International Friendship Day was proclaimed in 2011 by the United Nations General Assembly with the idea that friendship between peoples, countries, cultures and individuals can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities. Since then, the day has been celebrated annually on July 30.

And as of now, there is no official announcement regarding the theme of International Friendship Day 2023.

International Friendship Day 2023: History

International Friendship Day, also known as World Friendship Day, has an interesting history. The concept of a day dedicated to celebrating friendship dates back to different cultures and traditions around the world.

One of the earliest instances of Friendship Day can be found in Paraguay. In 1958, Dr. Artemio Bracho, a Paraguayan doctor, proposed the idea of ​​a “World Friendship Day” to promote friendship and camaraderie between people. This idea gained popularity and July 30 was designated as the day to celebrate friendship in Paraguay.

Later in 2011, the United Nations officially recognized July 30 as International Friendship Day to promote the importance of friendship in overcoming cultural, racial and other divisions and fostering peace and understanding among nations. .

International Friendship Day 2023: Importance

World Friendship Day is important because it promotes unity, understanding and peace between people of diverse backgrounds. Celebrate the value of friendships, promoting happiness, reducing loneliness and strengthening social bonds for a harmonious world. Some important reasons for International Friendship Day are:

  • Promotes unity and understanding between cultures, nations and origins.
  • It encourages people to express gratitude, love and affection to their friends, strengthening the bond between people.
  • World Friendship Day reminds us of the value of social connections.
  • The annual event brings immense happiness and a sense of belonging.
  • International Friendship Day encourages a more compassionate and harmonious world.
  • It reminds people to prioritize their social connections, which can reduce stress and improve overall health.
  • This culture of kindness and compassion helps make the world a better place.

The concept of friendship and the recognition of its meaning have been valued throughout the history of humanity. It is important to note that various countries and cultures have their own unique dates and traditions for celebrating friendship. Furthermore, World Friendship Day aligns with UNESCO’s Culture of Peace initiative, which rejects violence, seeks to prevent conflict and addresses underlying issues to find solutions.

Happy World Friendship Day 2023!!

Important days and dates of August 2023

Categories: Optical Illusion

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