Indira Gandhi, The Iron Lady of India : GK Quiz and facts you need to know

Indira Gandhi, India’s first female prime minister, who was born on November 19, 1917 in Allahabad, India, served three consecutive terms (1966-77).

A series of events took place during the time our nation gave him authority.

Find out all the important events that occurred during her life through this quiz and review your knowledge about the Iron Lady of India on her 105th birth anniversary.

1. What is Indira Gandhi’s full name?

to. Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi, née Nehru

b. Indira Karamchand Gandhi

C. Indira Nehru Gandhi

d. Indira Gandhi Nehru

2. When and where was Indira Gandhi born?

to. October 2, 1856, Delhi, India

b. November 19, 1917, Allahabad, India

C. September 14, 1999, Bihar, India

d. December 25, 2000, Gujarat, India

3. Indira Gandhi was the first female prime minister of India. How many full terms did she serve?

to. three consecutive terms

b. Two consecutive terms

C. Six consecutive terms

d. None of the above.

4. What operation took place in June 1984 that outraged several Sikhs?

to. Operation Red Rose

b. Operation Black Thunder

C. Operation Blue Star

d. Operation Pawan Hans

5. Which High Court in 1975 annulled his election to the Lok Sabha in 1971?

to. Delhi

b. Allahabad

C. Bombay

d. west bengal

6. When did Indira Gandhi join the Congress party?

to. 1938.

b. 1946

C. 1974

d. 1966

7. In which year did Indira Gandhi impose a pan-India emergency?

to. 1975

b. 1967

c. 1923

d. 2000

8. In what year did Indira Gandhi leave office?

to. 1982

b. 1977

c. 1945

died in 1920

9. In 1980, Indira Gandhi’s son became her main political advisor, which son was he?

to. Rajiv Gandhi

b. sanjay gandhi

C. Raúl Gandhi

d. Mahatma Gandhi

10. Who succeeded Indira Gandhi?

to. sanjay gandhi

b. Rajiv Gandhi

C. Morarji Desai

d. Narendra Modi

1. Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi, née Nehru

Indira Gandhi’s full name is Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi, née Nehru.

She was the only daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru.

Jawaharlal Nehru was one of the pivotal figures in India’s struggle to achieve independence from British colonial rule. He became the first Prime Minister of independent India between 1947 and 1964.

2. November 19, 1917, Allahabad

Indira Gandhi was born on November 19, 1917 in Allahabad, India. The leader she attended Visva-Bharati University in Shantiniketan (now in Bolpur, West Bengal state) for a year and then moved to Oxford University in England to continue her studies.

3. Three consecutive terms

Indian politician, Indira Gandhi, who was the first female prime minister of India, served three consecutive terms between 1966 and 1977 and a fourth term from 1980 until she was tragically assassinated in 1984.

4. Operation Blue Star

In the 1980s, Indira Gandhi faced threats related to India’s political integrity. Several states longed for a greater degree of independence from the central government. Sikh separatists in the state of Punjab took the path of violence to assert their demands for an autonomous state.

In 1982, a large number of Sikhs, led by Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale, seized and fortified the Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple) complex in Amritsar, which was the holiest shrine of the Sikhs.

As a result of rising tension in June 1984, Gandhi authorized the Indian Army to attack and dislodge separatists from the compound. The shrine buildings were severely damaged in the fighting and more than 450 Sikhs were killed. After five months, Indira Gandhi was assassinated in her garden in New Delhi by two of her own Sikh bodyguards in revenge for the attack in Amritsar.

5. Allahabad

The defeated opponent of the Socialist Party in the 1971 national elections accused Indira Gandhi of having transgressed electoral laws in that contest.

Then, in June 1975, the Allahabad High Court ruled against him, which meant that he would be stripped of his seat in parliament and required to stay out of politics for six years.

6. 1938

Indira Gandhi joined the Congress Party in 1938. In 1947, when Nehru assumed office, the Congress Party came to power and Indira Gandhi joined its committee in 1955. In 1959, Indira Gandhi was elected to the highly honorary position of party president.

Then in 1964, she was appointed to the Rajya Sabha, which is the upper house of the Indian parliament. Lal Bahadur Shastri, who had succeeded Nehru as prime minister, appointed her Minister of Information and Broadcasting in his government that year.

7. 1975

Since the Allahabad High Court ruled against her in 1975, it was inevitable that she would be forced to be deprived of her seat in parliament and remain out of politics for six years. Although Indira Gandhi appealed her ruling to the Supreme Court at that time, she did not receive favorable recognition. Indira Gandhi then took matters into her own hands and imposed a state of emergency throughout India.

Her political opponents were jailed and she assumed emergency powers. Numerous new laws were enacted that limited personal freedoms. During that time, Indira Gandhi implemented several unpopular policies that included large-scale sterilization as a form of birth control.

8. 1977

The public was unhappy with Gandhi’s decision to impose two years of emergency rule and, after it ended in early 1977, the opposition was determined to remove her and the New Congress Party from power.

National parliamentary elections were finally held in 1977, the Congress was defeated and she left office. Desai became the new Prime Minister of the Janata Party (forerunner of the Bharatiya Janata Party).

9. Sanjay Gandhi

Indira Gandhi’s son Sanjay Gandhi became her chief political advisor and won a seat in the Lok Sabha. The legal cases against Indira and Sanjay Gandhi were withdrawn. In June 1980, Sanjay Gandhi died tragically in a plane crash. He was Indira’s chosen successor among India’s political leaders.

10. Rajiv Gandhi

Since Sanjay Gandhi was no more, Indira Gandhi groomed her other son, Rajiv Gandhi, as the leader of her party. She was succeeded as prime minister by her son Rajiv, who served until 1989.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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