How to get more Kudosh in Two Point Campus

You must obtain Kudosh at Two Point Campus to unlock more items, which are necessary to complete student requests, increase the happiness levels of your students, increase the attractiveness of the room, and increase the star rating of your campus.

There is an easy way to make Kudosh fast in Two Point Campus, but unfortunately you will have to reach a certain point in the campaign to do it.

We’ve detailed this simple Kudosh method below, but we’ll also include some good ways to earn Kudosh while playing campaign mode to help you progress faster.

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Welcome to the Academic Year! | Two-point campus (PEGI).

Is there a Kudosh cheat in Two Point Campus?

Like Two Point Hospital before it, unfortunately there are no cheats or cheat codes in Two Point Campus, meaning there’s no way to cheat to get large amounts of Kudosh as soon as you start the game. This can make earning the currency a challenge, especially later in the campaign when you’ll want to customize your campus more.

However, there is a mode you can unlock in Two Point Campus that basically acts as a “cheat mode”, giving you access to all the Kudosh and money you need to create the campus of your dreams.

Two-point campus

How to Get Kudosh Easily at Two Point Campus

The best way to get Kudosh easily in Two Point Campus is to unlock and play in Sandbox mode. You can set your own custom amounts of Kudosh, money and course points, or get the maximum amount of 25,000 Kudosh and other coins, by selecting the “Creative” option in Sandbox mode. Please note that these 25,000 Kudosh are actually only used to decorate your campus, as you will have all items unlocked in creative mode from the start.

Select how much Kudosh, Cash and Course Points you start with in Sandbox mode.

To unlock Sandbox mode, you’ll need to earn a One-Star Campus in the first four levels of the campaign: Freshleigh Meadows, Piazza Lanatra, Mitton University, and Noblestead. Once you get a star in Noblestead, you will be able to save your game, exit the main menu, and then select Sandbox mode with all the levels now available to you.

Remember to select the “Creative” option to start with every item unlocked in Two Point Campus and 25,000 Kudosh available to decorate.

Select ‘Creative’ in Sandbox mode if you want to start with each item unlocked.

Other ways to get Kudosh at Two Point Campus

There are several methods you can use to perform Kudosh on Two Point Campus without switching to Sandbox mode.

These are the best ways to get Kudosh at Two Point Campus:

  • Complete and claim career objectives (these are not automatically claimed)
  • Acceptance of optional inspections and open houses
  • Pass optional inspections and challenges.
  • Complete certain commercial research products.
  • Win year-end prizes
  • Increase your campus star rating
  • Clicking on ‘bookworms’ when they appear outside (Kudosh is not guaranteed to be rewarded)

Career goals

From these methods above, we would say that completing career objectives is the best way to get Kudosh in Two Point Campus. Each objective has three levels and you will earn more Kudosh for higher levels. Just remember, you must enter the career goals submenu found in the top right corner of the screen and manually claim the Kudosh you get for completing each career goal.

Go to the career goals submenu to manually claim your Kudosh.

For quick reference, here’s how much Kudosh gets for completing each career objective level in Two Point Campus:

  • Level 1 Career Target: 50 Kudosh
  • Level 2 Career Goal: 75 Kudosh
  • Level 3 Career Goal: 100 Kudosh

You’ll complete many career objectives simply by playing the campaign, but to quickly check your progress, you can set a goal on your HUD. This way, you can see how quickly students are making friends, joining clubs, and many other activities, including how many end-of-year awards your campus is missing from completing a career goal.

You can set a career goal to help you see how far you are from earning that Kudosh reward.

Optional inspections and challenges

Be sure to check your messages periodically! You can earn five or ten Kudosh simply by accepting open houses and inspection visits, and even more if your campus makes a good impression. This is also a good way to earn easy money.

Complete commercial research products.

This is not a consistent way to obtain Kudosh on Two Point Campus, but you can complete certain commercial research products when they appear in the Research Laboratory to earn some additional Kudosh. Not all research products reward Kudosh, so be sure to check the details of each one to see what can give you the most Kudosh in the shortest time possible.

Start a new research project from the menu to search for trade products that reward Kudosh.

To check which research products are currently available in your research lab, select the Large Research Facility and then the “Start New Research Product” option (the magnifying glass with the plus sign) to bring up a list of academic and commercial products currently available.

Good luck earning Kudosh at Two Point Campus!

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