How to beat The Lizard in Spider-Man 2

How to beat The Lizard in Spider-Man 2

Beating the Lizard in Spider-Man 2 requires quite a bit of effort, even with your symbiote suit helping you. Dr. Curt Connors’ alter ego has literally returned in destructive fashion and it is once again up to Spider-Man to bring the doctor back.

Your previous efforts to catch up with Dr. Connors in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 may have ended in failure, but you’ve finally got him. This fight takes place in three phases and each one is more difficult than the last, so we have put together some tips that will help you as well as a strategy to follow.

Without further ado, we’re here to show you how to beat The Lizard in Spider-Man 2.

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Tips for fighting The Lizard in Spider-Man 2

Before we embark on this long-awaited boss battle after finally tracking down Curt Connors’ scaly alter ego, we have a few tips for you to make the fast-paced battle a little easier:

  • Equip Symbiote Abilities: If you don’t already have them equipped for whatever reason, we highly recommend that you equip all of your slots with Peter’s Symbiote Abilities before fighting the Lizard. It seems that these specific attacks will do more damage than others.
  • Use your gadgets: Even a superhero like Spider-Man needs help, and when you’re fighting a big, angry, scaly anthropomorphic reptile, some gadgets can buy you some time. We recommend using them when you need a second to heal or if you want to distract Connors long enough to move away to a safer distance.
  • Web, Web, Web: Lizard doesn’t really seem to like getting tangled up in webs (and to be fair, we don’t either), but that definitely gives you an advantage! Use your Web-Shooters to repeatedly shoot the Lizard and distract them at points to get in some hits.
  • Patience: This fight isn’t about going all in right away, fighting this boss is about dodging at the right time, knowing when to stop, and then attacking at the right time. At first, we got tangled in cobwebs (simply because we were excited about the fight) and soon realized it was a mistake.
  • Use the environment: There are some pieces of debris lying around while you fight The Lizard, don’t forget to use L1 and R1 to grab some and spin them to hit Connors. This is especially useful if you feel cornered and need a few seconds to find a way out.
  • Modify the difficulty: If you are really fighting this fight, remember that it is okay to enter “Gameplay” in the settings menu to modify the difficulty of the fight to one that suits you best. You’re here to have fun, so don’t feel bad if you need to tone it down a bit.
  • You are Spider-Man! – Remember that you are Spider-Man! You can move around the room, dodge incoming attacks, and generally have the ability to turn Connors back to his normal self. You have this.

spider-man 2 symbiote peter parker crouching
Image credit: Eurogamer/Insomniac Games.

How to beat the Lizard in Spider-Man 2

The battle with Curt Connors’ alter ego takes place in three parts, with a short chase section sandwiched between the middle and final sections of the battle. This little chase section isn’t unpleasant though, as it gives you a nice respite between the fighting sections.

We’ve broken down our guide on how to beat The Lizard in Spider-Man 2 step by step for each stage, but if you’re stuck on a specific part, use the links below to jump to the correct section.

Phase one

The first phase of your fight with The Lizard will help you get used to its ground attacks and avoid or parry them to avoid losing large amounts of your health quickly. Below we list the attacks and how to avoid them:

  • Crush Attack: We have now come face to face with The Lizard, his teeth seem very pointy and not like something you want to get caught in! Luckily, this attack comes with a warning. When the lines appear around Connors’ face and are a faint blue just as they start to approach you, they are about to perform the Crush attack. This move cannot be stopped, so you must dodge it to survive.
  • Tail Whip: This is one of The Lizard’s heavy attacks. When they turn to the side and raise their tail, be ready to use L1 and Square to dodge the incoming attack or use your webs to rise higher than the ground. This attack can be parried, but if you do it wrong, it will hurt you and leave you vulnerable to a subsequent attack like the Crush attack.
  • Claw Strikes: This attack can now be parried or dodged depending on how you want to defeat Lizard. When Connors approaches you, he will raise his arm in the air briefly before lowering it to strike you with his claws. Watch your spider sense and stop with L1 when it turns red to turn the tables on Connors. However, there are points where we recommend dodging this attack, especially if you are leaning against a wall or in a corner.

spider man 2 the lizard
Image credit: Eurogamer/Insomniac Games.

Defeating the Lizard in Phase One

Now that we’ve gone over his attacks, we’ll show you how to beat The Lizard in phase one.

In the room you are using, press and look at the floor, you should see some vents on the floor. You need to lure Connors near one of these vents, then use L1 and R1 when prompted to open it.

If Connors is close enough, the pressure released by opening the vent will stun them for a short period of time. When this happens, unleash every attack you can imagine on Connors, but we’ve learned that any of Peter’s symbiote attacks are the most effective.

spider-man 2 peter vs lizard arrows pointing to the floor vent
Image credit: Eurogamer/Insomniac Games.

Also, when the meter in the top right corner of the screen is full, use Symbiote Surge to really damage them.

After landing a few hits, The Lizard will recover and begin its attack pattern again. For this section, she continues dodging her attacks and luring them into the vents to stun them before attacking them. Eventually, you’ll get his health bar down to zero, but this is just the beginning.

Phase two

Understandably, The Lizard isn’t exactly in a better mood in phase two of this boss fight. In fact, his mood is considerably worse and he will now resort to clinging to walls and throwing things at you along with his original attacks.

During some points in this fight, the Lizard will cling to a wall and then tear off chunks of the wall (yes, actual chunks of the wall) and then throw them at you. Dodge them because you can’t really stop the flying chunks of concrete.

While avoiding the flying pieces of the wall, you must find a way to get the Lizard down from the wall because there is no safe way to attack them up there unless you want to turn into a spider snack.

Spider-Man 2 the lizard is hanging on a wall and looks very angry.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Insomniac Games.

To take down the Lizard, use your web shooters to repeatedly shoot webs at its face. Eventually, the Lizard will become distracted and wipe their faces, leaving them vulnerable for a few seconds. This is when you need to make your move.

Web slam Connors while his face is covered in webs or go up Lizard using L2 and R2, then attack. Either way, this will start a short animation of Peter bringing them back to the ground.

Spider-Man 2 Peter pulling towards a lizard on the wall
Image credit: Eurogamer/Insomniac Games.

Once you’re back on the ground, they’ll start using the exact same attacks they used in phase one, only now they’re a little faster. Once you take a few more hits, the Lizard will return to the wall and the cycle will begin again.

Rinse and repeat these steps until your health bar drops back to zero.

Pursuit section

It’s time to catch a lizard! In this chase section you will have to travel through the city after Connors’ furious alter ego.

As you chase them, watch your Spidey-Sense, as soon as it turns red you must dodge the debris heading towards you.

Eventually, after a while, you will reach The Lizard again and enter the final phase of this fight. Get ready, The Lizard is even angrier and has a new trick up his sleeve…

Spider-Man 2's symbiote, Peter, on the rooftop with a lizard.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Insomniac Games.

Phase three

The final fight against the Lizard will test everything you’ve learned so far. All the attacks used so far will return, but they will be much faster and stronger, so you will have to stay alert.

Additionally, the Lizard has learned a new trick to use against you: a roar (which doesn’t go well with your new suit). When he leans in and starts opening his mouth to roar, we recommend dodging to avoid the worst of the impact.

Spider-Man two lizards using roar on the Peter symbiote
Image credit: Eurogamer/Insomniac Games.

Now, as you did before, you must lure the Lizard towards the many vents spread across the floor and now there are some on the walls as well. If you need to get their attention or see an opportunity to attack from a distance using debris around the room, we recommend doing so.

Once the Lizard is near a vent, use L1 and R1 as before to open it and stun them. Again, we highly recommend using all of Peter’s symbiote attacks on them when they’re down to take away a big chunk of their health while you can.

Additionally, when the Lizard’s health bar is at its last third, we recommend activating Symbiote Surge if it is charged, as you can quickly defeat the Lizard with it at this point.

Spider-Man 2's symbiote, Peter, defeats the roaring lizard.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Insomniac Games.

Once Connors’ health bar reaches zero for the final time, you’ve finally won!

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