How to access Ship Storage in Starfield

How to access Ship Storage in Starfield

Storing your ship at Starfield is also known as a cargo hold. This is where all the items you collect while flying through space will end up. Whether it’s chunks of rock or valuable materials collected by destroying an enemy ship, it will all end here.

With so much to explore in Starfield, your storage can fill up very quickly and that just doesn’t cut it when you have so much to explore and loot. As long as you have the credits to pay for it, you can easily increase the amount your ship can carry.

Without further ado, we’ll show you how to access your ship’s storage in Starfield.

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How to Access Your Ship Storage in Starfield

To access your ship storage you don’t actually need to be near your ship, you can easily access it by simply pausing and navigating through the menu. However, if you want to take things out of your boat’s storage, then you must be on board.

To access your cargo hold from the menu, open the menu and select the option in the lower left corner of the screen:

Starfield pause menu ship option.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda.

This will take you to an overview of your boat. Once here, look at the command prompts in the bottom right section of your screen and select the “Charge Hold” prompt.

Starfield Ship Overview – Cargo Hold Option
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda.

This will open your ship’s storage and show you everything you’ve collected while flying through space. You can then choose from several options while scanning your findings:

  • Take the selected item (only if you are on board).
  • Check your inventory.
  • Jettison (get rid of selected item).
  • Sort the items.
  • Take all the items from the ship’s storage.
  • Inspect an item.

starfield ship storage items
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda.

Now, what you do with the collected items is up to you. You can keep the useful ones to use in crafting, and you can sell the less useful ones in exchange for credits that you can spend on upgrades.

If you are on your ship, you can also access it through the “Cargo Hold” panel on board. We found our panel in the cabin of The Frontier, but this may change depending on how yours is arranged.

Starfield cabin cargo hold access panel
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda.

Simply walk up to the panel on the wall and interact with it to get a simplified view of everything that is currently in your cargo hold.

How to upgrade your cargo hold in Starfield

Now, a little storage space is nice, but the more storage space you have, the more things you can collect, which can be very useful when you’re exploring space away from any inhabited settlements and finding interesting things you want to keep.

To upgrade your cargo hold in Starfield, you need to find a ship technician. The easiest to find is through the ship services at the New Atlantis landing pad. However, the complete list includes the following:

  • Akila Town in Akila
  • Cydonia on Mars
  • Deimos Staryard in Deimos
  • Gagarin about Gargarin
  • Hopetown Powder
  • Neon in Volii Alpha
  • Jemison on New Atlantis
  • New farm on Titan
  • Paradise in Porrima II
  • Red Mile in Porrima III
  • Ryujin Industries in neon
  • Stroud-Eklund Staryard orbiting Dalvik
  • The lair that Chthonia orbits
  • Eleos’s retreat on Ixyll II
  • The key that orbits Suvorov

Talk to them and select the “I would like to view and modify my ships” conversation option when it appears.

starfield modifies ship systems ship technology conversational option
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda.

This will take you to another ship overview screen. At the bottom of this screen you should see a control message for ‘Boat Builder’. Use the control prompted to enter this mode, as this is where you can upgrade your ship’s storage.

Now, once you’re in the boat builder, you can highlight your existing storage system and duplicate it if you like its style and simply want to increase your storage capacity. Once duplicated, connect it to a module on your ship and you’ll be on your way.

However, if you want something new and have a lot to invest, you can also buy new storage. In the ship builder, make sure you are not floating over any compartment of your ship. Then use the control at the bottom of the screen to ‘Add’ and this will open the modules menu.

Starfield Boat Builder Cargo Options
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda.

Go to the ‘Cargo’ section and you will be shown all the cargo hold modules offered by the ship’s technician. Different technicians offer different items, so if you don’t see something you like, it may be worth comparing prices.

When you hover over a cargo hold, a panel will appear on the left side of your screen showing you the capacity of the one you’re looking at. If it’s right for you, buy it and connect the new module to your ship.

Starfield Ship Builder Cargo Item Statistics
Image credit: Eurogamer/Bethesda.

As long as no flight errors are flagged as a result of your new additions, you will have more storage space on your ship.

Also, if all this seems like too much effort, you can buy or steal another ship with a larger cargo hold, which can have its own benefits.

For those of you who consider yourself criminals, you can also find cargo holds with armored cargo capacity on some ships, as they are rarely found for sale. Having a cargo hold with this perk can help you smuggle across the galaxy.

That is all for now! If you’re looking for more Starfield content, check out our guides on Earth, how to pick locks, and pickpocket wallets.

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