Happy Korean New Year 2023: Date, History, Lucky Animal, Rituals, Celebration & More

Happy Korean New Year 2023: The national festival and holiday known as Seollal (Korean New Year) pays tribute to the beginning of the Chinese lunisolar calendar. It is celebrated in both North and South Korea and is one of the most important traditional holidays on the Korean Peninsula. The three days of festivities typically include the day before New Year’s Day, New Year’s Day, and the day after New Year’s Day.

Xin Nian Kuai Le!恭喜發財! Happy Chinese New Year!! May the year of the rabbit bring good luck, good health and many new opportunities to all my friends and fans around the world! I am giving away lucky “Hong Bao” (red packets) again! (https://t.co/Qg5xevqpZl) pic.twitter.com/EJyTUaVlLn

– Jackie Chan (@EyeOfJackieChan)
January 22, 2023


Lunar New Year in Korea The Korean equivalent of the Chinese New Year is called Seollal. It is celebrated simultaneously with the Chinese New Year and, as its name suggests, is based on the lunar calendar. Unless there is an eleventh or twelfth month interspersed in the period leading up to the New Year, Seollal, or Korean New Year, generally takes place in January or February on the second new moon after the winter solstice. In this scenario, the New Year coincides with the third new moon after the solstice. It is observed on January 22 of this year.


The Korean New Year celebration is believed to have begun in the 3rd century. Samguk yusa, a document created in the 13th century, contains Korea’s own account of celebrating the new year. In 488 AD, the new year was celebrated while Silla was ruled by its twenty-first king. According to Korean historical work, Korean New Year was one of the nine major Korean festivals that included ancestral rites.

Korea was formally annexed by the Japanese Empire in 1910, after years of conflict, intimidation and political maneuvering. The Japanese reiterated their ban on celebrating Seollal during this time. Before the start of the Korean War in 1950 and after the liberation of Korea in 1945, the Korean provisional government designated the first three days of January as a holiday. The idea that Seollal should be redesignated as a national holiday was widely shared by South Koreans in the 1980s. The original New Year Seollal was designated as an official Korean New Year and national holiday in 1989 after the Roh Tae-woo administration agree with the public that the old New Year’s Day should be revitalized.

Korean New Year 2023: Traditions and Customs

Sebae is a filial piety ritual commonly practiced in Seollal. People dressed in traditional attire with their grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles spend a Happy New Year by bowing deeply traditional (rites that require more than one bow are usually performed for the deceased) and saying: “Please receive much good luck for the New Year.” Elders often reward children for their good deeds by giving them Sebaet Don, or “pocket money,” which is usually presented to them in the form of crisp bills, along with words of wisdom (dkdam). In the past, parents gave their children fruit and rice cakes, or “ddeok.”

Another tradition observed is lighting a “moon house” made of fuel wood and branches. This represents the new year’s protection against evil spirits. The moon house is frequently complemented with wishes that people hope will come true in the coming year.

Korean New Year 2023: lucky animals

The zodiac used by Koreans is the same one used by the Chinese. With the rat or mouse as a surrogate during the first year, a total of 12 animals represent the 12 years in chronological order. Only 12 of the animals that Buddha is said to have invited to visit did so. He honored them by naming the years in the order they came as payment. Koreans think that certain zodiac animals provide particular resources and qualities. The fourth animal of the twelve-year cycle of the zodiac, the rabbit, is considered the luckiest and its year is 2023. People who were born in the year of the rabbit are considered vigilant, intelligent, resourceful and inventive. The animal is also believed to represent beauty, grace and mercy.

Korean New Year 2023: traditional food


Tteokguk, a traditional soup made with rice cakes (tteok), is the main dish served on New Year’s Day in South Korea. It is usually garnished with thinly sliced ​​egg, green onion and meat. Tteokguk, a Seollal dish that symbolizes luck, new beginnings, and numerous Korean holiday customs, has deep symbolic meaning.


The traditional Korean New Year festival includes savory pancakes called jeon. The accompanying sides are flour-based fried side dishes that come with a variety of fillings, including meat, seafood, and vegetables. The most popular fillings for crispy pancakes are shredded beef, oysters, kimchi, and green onions, among many variations.


Japchae is a dish of transparent cellophane noodles made with potato starch, beef, vegetables such as spinach, carrots, mushrooms and chili peppers. Japchae was initially created by a servant of King Gwangaegun without any noodles or meat, but has since changed to become Korea’s best-known celebratory noodle dish.

Korean New Year is celebrated with a variety of ancient games. Yutnori, a classic family board game, remains highly regarded, especially during the Korean New Year. It is considered suitable for all ages and genders and is played with a set of specially made sticks. Men and boys used to play jegichagi, a game in which a light object is wrapped in paper or cloth and kicked like a bag of feet, as well as flying rectangular kites called Yeon. Women and girls used to play neolttwigi, gongginori and gonggi.

Check other important days and events in January 2023

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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