GK Quiz On Environment and Biodiversity With Answers.

How much do you know about the environment? Take our quiz to see how well you have prepared for the GK Environment and Biodiversity Quiz.

It is crucial to have at least a basic understanding of the planet we live on. The environment and biodiversity are two important topics for students of all ages.

GK Environment and Biodiversity Quiz is part of a series of quizzes designed to test students’ knowledge on different topics and their concepts.

The questions are intended to be challenging and fun, and cover different topics related to environmental science.

Take our free GK quiz and find out how much you know about this topic!

1. Which atmospheric layer is closest to the ground?

A. Troposphere




2. What are saprophytes?

  1. Living beings that feed on the sap from the bark of trees.
  2. Living beings that feed on dead or decomposing organic matter.
  3. Living beings that feed on other living beings.
  4. None of the above

3. Which environmentalist first gave the concept of biodiversity hotspots?

  1. John Muir
  2. Norman Myers
  3. Nelson Gaylord
  4. Julia Hill

4. What are plankton?

  1. Plants that live in water.
  2. Very small plants and animals that live in water.
  3. Very small animals that live on land.
  4. very small plants that live on land

5. The biotic component of the environment does not include which of the following

  1. animal system
  2. Plant system
  3. floor system
  4. Microorganism system

6. The production of light by living beings is known as

  1. Bioluminescence
  2. Bioillumination
  3. Biofluorescence
  4. None of the above

7. Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas?

  1. Nitrogen
  2. Ozone
  3. Methane
  4. Carbon dioxide

8. The use of fossil fuels is responsible for the increase in the amount of which gas in the atmosphere?

  1. Argon
  2. Ozone
  3. Carbon dioxide
  4. Nitrogen

9. The region of the atmosphere above 400 km and more is known as

  1. Exosphere
  2. mesosphere
  3. thermosphere
  4. Photosphere

10. Which of the following causes acid rain?

  1. Methane
  2. Nitrous oxide and sulfur dioxide.
  3. Carbon dioxide
  4. Carbon monoxide

1. Troposphere.

It begins at ground level and rises to a height of approximately 10 kilometers above sea level. Almost all the time it occurs in the troposphere.

2. Living beings that feed on dead or decomposing organic matter.

Saprophytes eat and live on dead and decaying creatures. They are considered of utmost importance in the ecosystem. They simplify complicated organic materials, which are then absorbed by plants for use in a variety of metabolic processes.

3. Norman Myers

Norman Myers coined the term “biodiversity hotspot” in 1988. Based on a high degree of endemism and habitat degradation, he first identified 10 hotspots or areas with the greatest biodiversity and greatest threats to it.

4. plankton

The various aquatic species that cannot swim against the current are collectively known as plankton.

5. Floor system

Since the soil system is a non-biotic (non-living) component, it is not part of the biotic component of the environment. The animal system, plant and microbial systems are considered biotic (living) components.

6. Bioluminescence

The production and emission of light by living beings is known as bioluminescence. It is a type of chemiluminescence, in which light is generated as a result of a chemical reaction.

7. nitrogen

A subset of gases that trap heat in Earth’s atmosphere are known as greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbons, ozone, nitrous oxide and water vapor are some of the different greenhouse gases.

8. Carbon dioxide

The burning of fossil fuels causes a significant emission of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere. Global warming is caused by greenhouse gases, which trap heat in our atmosphere.

9. Exosphere

It is the upper layer of the atmosphere, above the ionosphere at an altitude of approximately 400 km. The extremely thin air gradually warms as it passes through the layer.

10. Nitrous oxide and sulfur dioxide

A chemical process that begins when gases such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are discharged into the atmosphere leads to acid rain. These substances have the ability to rise far into the sky, where they combine and react with oxygen, water and other chemicals to produce acid rain, an additional form of acid pollution.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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