Explained: What is HuggingChat? Is it better than ChatGPT?

HuggingChat vs ChatGPT

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been taking over the world significantly in recent years. It constantly brings innovations that have made interactions between humans and machines very fluid. In recent years, Open AI’s ChatGPT chatbot has been on everyone’s minds. Every day, ChatGPT has surprised the world with its capabilities. And a new AI chatbot known as HuggingChat has emerged and we’ll explore what it is, everything you need to know about it and how it compares to ChatGPT.

What is HuggingChat?

HuggingChat is an AI chatbot created by Hugging Face, a leading developer of AI tools and technologies. The chatbot uses natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) algorithms to create interaction with users in a conversational way.

After the first use, the platform is presented with a message that says “This application is for demonstration purposes only. AI is an active research area with known problems such as biased generation and misinformation. Please do not use this app for high risk decisions or advice. Your conversations will be shared with model authors unless you disable them in your settings.”

HuggingChat has a similar interface to ChatGPT. The platform has a homepage and a simple description that says: “Making the community’s best AI chat models available to everyone.” Compared to ChatGPT, it only shows a few examples of prompts, while ChatGPT also mentions its capabilities and limitations. Additionally, both platforms display message history on the left side, along with Topic, Comments, Settings, and About and Privacy options.

It is designed to be versatile and can be used for various purposes. The Open Assistants GitHub page says: “We won’t stop at replicating ChatGPT. We want to create the assistant of the future, capable of not only writing emails and cover letters, but also performing meaningful work, using APIs, dynamically searching for information, and much more, with the ability to be customized and extended by anyone. And we want to do this in an open and accessible way, which means we not only need to create a great assistant but also make it small and efficient enough to run on consumer hardware.”

The platform has pre-designed conversational models that it uses to respond to user queries and requests. This feature allows the chatbot to provide accurate responses.

Additionally, the platform is multilingual and supports more than 200 languages. By asking via the message “How many languages ​​does HuggingChat support?”

The platform generated this response”Currently, HuggingChat supports more than 200 languages, including the most widely spoken languages ​​such as English, Spanish, French, German, Mandarin Chinese, Russian, Arabic, etc., as well as numerous regional dialects and minority languages ​​from around the world. Please let me know if you have any specific language requirements and I will do my best to accommodate your request.

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What does HuggingChat run on?

HuggingChat currently runs through the Open Assistant bot, which is a project created by the Large Scale Artificial Open Network (LAION), belonging to the German non-profit behind Stable Diffusion.

The Open Assistant model behind HuggingChat is based on the Meta AI Large Language Model (LLaMA), which is a fundamental model with 65 billion Meta parameters, which was released in late February 2023.

What are the limitations of HuggingChat?

Some reports have claimed that HuggingChat is prone to producing hallucinations and inaccurate data.

To prove this, a message appears saying “Who is the fourth president of the United States?” was posted and generated this as the first response- “| Start of term | End of term | Party | Vice President(s) || — | — | — | — | — || | March 4, 1809 | March 3, 1817 | Democrat-Republican | George Clinton until May 20, 1812; Elbridge Gerry of November 11, 1813 |

Therefore, it generates results that could be off. Continuing with the same message generated a rather long response that was incomplete. Sometimes it stops generating results in the middle of the answer, so asking it to “continue” with the answer won’t work. The model will stay on topic or provide completely irrelevant results.

Why is HuggingChat not working?

HuggingChat was recently launched and many users are rushing to try out the new platform. There may be chances that the AI ​​chatbot may load slowly or not at all depending on how busy the servers are. The platform is still in formation, so you can expect high-quality responses and fast loading times in the future.

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How to use HuggingChat?

Hugging Face offers a web-based chat interface and can be used by following the steps below:

  • Go to the Hugging Face website at https://huggingface.co/.
  • Click on the top banner that displays the “Start Chatting” option.
  • This will take you to the Hugging Face chat page, where you can interact with pre-trained conversational models by typing in the chat box.
  • There is no need to log in or create an account. The home page will be the chat AI.

HuggingChat VS ChatGPT: Which is better?

The first and most important difference between the two platforms is their large language models (LLM). These are the data sets that generate human-like responses to prompts.

HuggingChat uses Meta’s LLaMA LLM, giving it a slight access advantage to data collected until April 2023, while ChatGPT is based on OpenAI’s GPT LLM family, restricting data usage until 2021 only.

Another aspect that stands out is the precision of the answers. In a message that reads “Who won the 2019 elections in India?” Both HuggingChat and ChatGPT were right but had different explanations.

HuggingChat only mentioned the winning party-“The Bharatiya Janata Party or BJP“While ChatGPT answered the question in paragraph format-“General elections in India were held in 2019 and the results were announced on May 23, 2019. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), led by Narendra Modi, emerged as the winner. The BJP, together with its allies, won a majority of seats in the Lok Sabha (the lower house of the Indian Parliament) and formed a government. Narendra Modi was sworn in as Prime Minister of India for the second consecutive term.

Furthermore, HuggingChat is an open source technology developed by its parent company Hugging Face. In open source projects, users have access to and modify the source code, which can be a problem.

On the other hand, ChatGPT is based on the GPT-3.5 framework and its rights are owned by OpenAI, which means that the source code of the model cannot be accessed or modified.

The next comparison between the two is how they can be used. HuggingChat allows you to directly access the platform through its URL or through the HuggingFace website. On the other hand, to use ChatGPT, you need to create an account or log in to the account.

There is no valid comparison between the two platforms, as both AI models are still in training mode and continue to improve their responses.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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