Earth Day 2023: Know your Mother Earth with Facts and Numbers

Facts and Numbers about Earth Day 2023

Earth Day 2023: Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22 around the world. The international event celebrates its 53rd anniversary this year. The theme, Invest in Our Planet, is an extension of the previous year’s popular theme. “In 2023 we must come together again to partner for the planet,” said Kathleen Rogers, president of He continued: “Businesses, governments and civil society share the same responsibility to address the climate problem and drive the change necessary to move towards a future that is sustainable, prosperous and equitable. In the fight for the green revolution and health future of For future generations, we must unite. It is now necessary to invest in our planet.

Google also honors Earth Day with its distinctive Doodle artwork. Today’s Google Doodle explains how people can cooperate to protect the environment. We can influence the worst effects of climate change around the world by changing the way we travel, use energy, eat and buy products.

🌳Plant a tree

🍝Reduce food waste


🏘️Buy local

Further #ClimateAction ideas on how you can #ActNow to do every day #Earth day.

— United Nations (@UN)
April 21, 2023

The climate crisis is devastating our planet, including our ocean.

time for #SaveOurOcean And our future is NOW.

We all have a role to play.

Get inspired & #ActNow:

— United Nations (@UN)
April 22, 2023

Our work doesn’t end after #Earth day 🌏

Join the movement by signing up for emails at Receive newsletters and calls to action on all things Earth Day all year long! #EarthDay every day

— EARTHDAY.ORG (@EarthDay)
April 21, 2023

Earth Day 2023: When and why is Earth Day celebrated?

Some interesting facts and figures about Earth Day

  • After witnessing the effects of an oil spill in California in 1969, Senator Nelson was concerned that environmental issues were not being addressed in the political sphere. He organized a national grassroots rally to encourage conservation participation and awareness after being inspired by protests against the Vietnam War.
  • The date for Nelson’s protest was selected as April 22, 1970. It was scheduled to coincide with final exams and spring break in the hope that college students would attend. According to the environmental advocacy group Earth Day Network, about 20 million Americans participated and it quickly became the first recognized Earth Day.
  • Democrats and Republicans reacted to Earth Day’s environmental conservation message. The Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts, as well as the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), were influenced by it.
  • The campaign went global twenty years after the inaugural Earth Day. According to the Earth Day Network, the 1990 protest inspired 200 million people in 141 countries and significantly raised awareness about environmental issues such as recycling.
  • The “world’s largest secular celebration,” according to the Earth Day Network, today affects people in more than 190 countries. Social media and online platforms are useful for spreading essential messages.
  • More than 2,000 colleges and institutions, 10,000 public schools, and 20 million participants (approximately 10% of the US population at the time) participated in the first Earth Day.
  • The Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, National Environmental Education Act, and other environmental laws were influenced by Earth Day.
  • According to research by Friends of the Earth, humans currently use natural resources around 50% more than 30 years ago.
  • The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development predicts that in 2050 there will be 9 billion people on Earth, up from 7 billion today, which would only have a greater negative effect on the environment due to human activity.

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Earth Day celebrates the victories of the environmental movement and highlights the importance of preserving the planet’s natural resources for generations to come. It brings together citizens and activists from around the world to raise awareness and take action on issues such as global warming and renewable energy.

Earth Day 2023: Check out Quotes, Wishes, Messages, Greetings, Slogans, WhatsApp and Facebook Statuses, Poems and More

Categories: Optical Illusion

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