Devil May Cry 5 Secret Mission locations explained

Devil May Cry 5 Secret Mission locations explained

Devil May Cry 5 secret missions are packed with 20 in-game missions and require close attention to the world around you.

Secret missions are represented by a huge pentagram, and you’ll need to find a specific spot to stand that will glow when you touch it, and then center the camera to align the shape accordingly.

Once this is resolved, a message will appear with the objective of the mission, which ranges from eliminating all enemies without taking damage or making a one-shot kill.

Please note that you do not need to complete them right away. A new option will appear in the main menu that will allow you to access the secret rooms at any time.

Lastly, you will be rewarded with one blue orb fragment each time, making a total of three blue orbs, which are used to permanently increase your health bar.

In this page:

Devil May Cry 5 Secret Mission 1 Location (Mission 2)

The first one is quite simple and you will get it by simply following the story. In Mission 2, you will eventually find yourself inside a ruined house.

Once you’ve used the second Nidhogg, the path will take you through a corridor that quickly becomes blocked. Use the opening on the right to enter the room and you will see a sign on the wall.

The game will then teach you how to align the shape to activate it.

For this one, the goal is simply to eliminate all enemies.

Devil May Cry 5 Secret Mission 2 Location (Mission 3)

In Mission 3, Nero will enter the sewers after the outdoor section. He continues and pays attention to the door with an exit sign.

A short cutscene will play showing a staircase leading to the main path, but you’ll want to jump down. Once there, pay attention to the ceiling and you will notice the engravings. Stand in place and look up.

This objective allows you to defeat Red Empusas before they escape.

Devil May Cry 5 Secret Mission 3 Location (Mission 4)

The secret mission in Mission 4 is a little harder to find and will require you to spawn Nightmare at a specific time.

After passing the collapsed bridge and grabbing the Nidhogg, you’ll go through a series of street fights until you see a giant building with a painting on it.

Once you’re in that battle, call your minion to see him break through the wall, revealing an alternate route.

Jump inside and follow the ground floor until you find a corner on the right side.

There, take the second Nidhogg. Exit the building and continue forward and you will come to a closed street that leads to two passages. You want to go left where you can use your bugs to enter another building.

Go up the stairs, double jump to reach the next floor and you will be in the right place looking at the sign across the street.

The objective is to collect all the red orbs inside a room, there are 20 of them and you will have 30 seconds to do so. As a heads up, make sure you unlock Hang Up and Quick Play to make it easier.

Devil May Cry 5 Secret Mission 4 Location (Mission 5)

In Mission 5, similar to the previous one, you will need to open a hidden path. Once you are inside the factory, start entering by doing the first few battles and you will eventually reach a wall made of construction debris.

Activate Nightmare there. If you happen to be low on energy, destroy the red blockade (it’s linked to the main path so you don’t miss it) and move forward to grab white orbs. Go back and call your minion.

Once inside, a battle will break out. Kill all the demons and you will see a new path on the side completely open: there are some boxes with orbs waiting to be collected, but you must take the yellow stairs on the left.

Up there, you’ll end up standing on the highlighted point, revealing the location of the sign.

The objective is to eliminate all the demons without being hit in less than three minutes.

Devil May Cry 5 Secret Mission 6 Location (Mission 8)

Located in Mission 8, this one only requires using Nero’s Devil Trigger as a grappling hook in one of the last parts of the level. There are two huge lava “elevators”, but you should only pay attention to the second one.

Get on the platform and keep an eye on the right side, there is a landing spot nearby that will take you to the hidden place.

You can get there in two different ways: jump off the moving platform once you’ve gained enough height (but not enough to hit the ceiling and fall, although you don’t have to worry about taking damage or ending up here in a different place) or a Once you reach the limit and jump to the main path, double jump to the platform from there.

Once you’ve landed, just walk in. Grab the first one and shoot the second one so you can continue the fight. You’ll end up looking at a giant closed room.

There are two devil triggers to select, some orbs, and most importantly, the highlight. You barely need to move the camera here: just look at the giant wall in front of you and the secret mission message will likely trigger.

This takes you to a level where you will have to go from point A to point B without touching the ground.

Devil May Cry 5 Secret Mission 6 Location (Mission 9)

Once again Nightmare will come in handy. In Mission 9, after finishing the first close battle, continue straight until you find some platforms with red orbs. He calls the minion and he will lead the way for you.

Now, once you start exploring the area, you will notice a locked room with engravings at the entrance, from where you can peek inside to see a Blue Orb Fragment.

If you didn’t manage to save energy, feel free to continue exploring and come back. Just keep in mind that if you go down the mines you won’t be able to come back. If you end up inside a huge cave, you passed it.

If you gathered enough energy, go ahead and summon Nightmare again. Appearing inside will break the blockages and allow you easy entry. Feel free to grab everything inside and then jump to the platform on the opposite side of the door. Move the camera to face the engravings and that’s it.

This objective is to eliminate all enemies in less than 20 seconds.

Devil May Cry 5 Secret Mission 7 Location (Mission 10)

In Mission 10, your first as Dante, you will also find new doors that will close permanently after a set time. They’re always busy in combat, so make sure you take out enemies as quickly as possible to give yourself the biggest window possible (although they really are forgiving).

Keep moving through the level and you’ll end up in a giant room that has two of these doors. After killing the demons, you need to go to the room on the left, standing on the same side you were on just before you landed on the ground.

When in doubt, if you see red orbs, run straight to the other door. The last checkpoint is saved right at the entrance, so there’s nothing wrong with dying or wanting to try again to reach both doors.

Once inside, follow the path to the right until you see two platforms. Use the double jump and you will be standing in front of another room with a circle in the center.

Stand there and look at the ceiling, facing the angle of the path you just came from.

This secret challenge asks you to kill an enemy with a single shot at their weak point.

Devil May Cry 5 Secret Mission 8 Location (Mission 11)

Again with_Dante, the secret stage for Mission 11 can be found in the ruined building. You will notice the beginning of the section when crossing a bridge, and once inside, you will have to begin to break the demonic presence of the area to open new paths.

Simply break the first one and then return to the main area.

You will notice a small tower inside. Jump in from the side walls and you’ll find your bright spot. Look towards the wall and the secret mission will activate.

It involves maintaining an S rank or higher while defeating various demons.

Devil May Cry 5 Secret Mission 9 Location (Mission 12)

In Mission 12, once you finish filling the statue with blood, go through the hatch and enter the catacombs. Continue straight and you will start to notice the engravings on the walls.

To get it, double jump to the opposite right side of the room. If you can’t get there, try going to a lower step and jump from there. You will quickly notice the stopping point. Look at the door and the quest will activate itself.

This one is about staying in the air for more than 15 seconds performing attack combos.

Devil May Cry 5 Secret Mission 10 Location (Mission 14)

Located in Mission 14, this one is surprisingly easier than the rest of V. Just proceed along the main path normally and, after regaining your powers, continue straight.

Break the demonic presence and keep running until you find yourself inside a cave of bones.

There is a short passage to the left that at first appears to be empty, but once you reach the end, you will see the highlighted point. Look back and you’ll quickly notice the secret mission notice.

It is about crossing the entire level without touching the ground.

Devil May Cry 5 Secret Mission 11 Location (Mission 15)

In Mission 15, continue playing normally until you find the first Statue of Divinity. Pass it and you’ll see a new path behind it, leading to a flying section using the Punch Line arm for Nero.

Simply throw it and retrieve it by holding the same button to get on it.

From there it’s pretty easy, just follow the red orbs until you reach the other end. There are more Punch Lines lying on the ground in case you miss, so don’t worry if you fall or just get hit by an enemy.

Once you reach the other side, go straight and get the blue orb fragment. Go a little further and you will fall to the ground, where Nero will say that he senses a presence. He climbs to the highlighted spot and looks up.

There is your Secret Mission 11, in which you must run straight to the finish line in less than 30 seconds.

Devil May Cry 5 Secret Mission 12 Location (Mission 16)

The last one is in Mission 16 and requires a bit of platforming. This level is all about going down and you don’t have to worry about that until you finish the third fight and reach the place in the first screenshot.

Look down and land on the large platform, and then make a short jump to the one just below. For reference, look at the red orbs with purple lighting behind them. That’s where you should go.

Once inside, go straight and then jump down. You’ll find the highlight there and the last secret mission is right there on the roof.

Here, you simply collect a set number of orbs to complete it.

And that’s it – you’re done with Devil May Cry 5 secret mission locations! Congratulations!

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