Cyberpunk 2077 levelling guide: How to get fast XP and Cyberpunk 2077’s max level cap explained

Cyberpunk 2077 levelling guide: How to get fast XP and Cyberpunk 2077's max level cap explained

Leveling up in Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the many things you need to become a legend in Night City, in addition to earning money and upgrading your Street Cred.

All three will help you become one of Night City’s most famous mercenaries, but only one will physically and mentally improve your stats: earning XP.

With experience, players will be able to learn new skills that will help them progress in Night City. It also rewards players with different points, some that will go directly to your ‘stats’ like Body and Cool, which improve your health and stealth, and others that will improve your skills.

So, as you can probably deduce, it’s in your best interest to level up so that Night City doesn’t seem like as scary a place as it really is.

On this page we will explain how to get XP quickly in Cyberpunk 2077, how the Cyberpunk 2077 leveling system works, and what the maximum Cyberpunk 2077 level cap is for the base game. Stay with us and you’ll be a legend in no time.

In this page:

Which life path should you choose in Cyberpunk 2077?

For more help with Cyberpunk 2077, we have pages on life paths and attributes.

Cyberpunk 2077 leveling system explained

Experience, like in most games, helps your player character rise through the ranks by giving you things like more health, stamina, magic, etc. It’s not all that different in Cyberpunk 2077, although the experience works in a way that’s actually similar to Bethesda’s Skyrim.

If you are running you will improve your athleticism, if you are using blades to slice and dice your enemies you will gain experience in Blades. In fact, if you’re doing something you’re probably gaining experience points, and if it sounds that simple, then that’s because it is.

The only part where it starts to get a little complicated is understanding the difference between attribute points and advantage points. Honestly, the game doesn’t explain it very well, but that’s why we’re here to help you.

Attribute Points: In Cyberpunk 2077 you have 5 different attributes that make up your character. These attributes are Body, Technical Skill, Reflexes, Intelligence and Cool. When you reach enough experience to level up as a whole, that is, from level 14 to 15, you will receive one attribute point.

Attribute points are used to increase your attributes and are only awarded when you level up, unlike perk points. Attribute Points can only go up to 20 each, and as of now, it’s impossible to get them all to 20, so be careful when spending your points.

To spend an Attribute Point, you must assign it to one of your Attributes. Assigning your points can be difficult to understand at first, but it helps if you know what you want your V’s strengths to be. For example, I chose a V that was more technically based and didn’t rely too much on brute force, but on engineering. and craftsmanship, so I put a lot of my attribute points into the technical skill attribute.

Vice versa, if you prefer your V to be a bit muscular, then you would put most of your points into Body to help increase both health and stamina.

Perk Points: Perk points are a little different from attribute points, but they are equally important to obtain. As we mentioned above, the best way to get them is to simply do things. That could be moving around a location stealthily, using a certain type of weapon you haven’t used before, or quick hacking. No matter what you do, you’re improving something and that’s the perfect way to get perk points.

But what do profit points do? Well, in a nutshell, they help you choose, as well as upgrade, what perks your V has. For example, look at the image we have of the crafting perks, below.

I have selected a number of advantages below. The ones that are complete and can no longer be upgraded are yellow and have 1/1 at the top. Look at the blast armor and you’ll see that it’s blue and there’s a ⅓ on top, meaning I still need to get 2 more buff points for it to fully upgrade.

Perk points can be a matter of life and death, so make sure you invest them in perks as much as humanly possible. Otherwise, you won’t get the most out of your V and the game will be much more difficult as a result.

How to get XP in Cyberpunk 2077

Getting XP in Cyberpunk 2077 is quite easy, as even the smallest things can give you at least 100 to 200 XP. But there are better ways, and certainly ways that will actually make you feel like you’re making progress instead of going at a snail’s pace.

Advance Main Missions: Playing main story missions is a guaranteed way to earn XP and level up. The range of XP you get changes depending on how far along you are in Cyberpunk 2077’s main story, but expect between 5000 and 10,000 XP as you progress.

Do Side Jobs, Gigs, and NCPD Missions: While playing the story guarantees XP, it’s certainly not enough to reach the maximum level and give you a chance to try it all. That’s where side jobs, gigs, and NCPD missions come in.

All three activities award roughly the same amount of XP, but the XP rate changes depending on the difficulty.

For example, you’ll get a lot more XP for eliminating an objective in a mission labeled “Very Dangerous” (1000-2000 XP mark) than if you did the same mission that’s only labeled “Moderately Dangerous.”

Doing Your Own Thing: This may seem a little open-ended, but as we explained before, using quick tricks, weapons, running, jumping, and more will earn you experience points. These points are minimal compared to the main story and side quests, but despite all that, they add up in the end.

The fastest way to get XP in Cyberpunk 2077

Crafting is one of the most rewarding things about Cyberpunk 2077. Schematics can be found in most vendor stores, and as long as you’re handy in scavenging and then dismantling your loot, you’ll have a variety of different things to craft. and then sell it, which also makes it a useful money-making technique.

But the important thing is not the swirls you receive, which can be many, yes, but the amount of XP you receive when creating.

To put it bluntly, as long as you have enough components to create uncommon/rare items, you can increase your level and gain attribute/perk points at an almost unlimited rate.

Even crafting some of the easier things, like medicines, will give you 120 XP, while quick tricks and rare weapons will give you between 200 and 250 XP.

That’s nothing to sneeze at, especially when you could earn triple the XP crafting a ton of common medicines and quick tricks than if you were just doing side quests. The same goes for upgrading, which is also included in the creation section of your character menu.

So, if you want to get your XP as quickly as possible, we suggest you start crafting to gain access to perks and attribute points at a faster rate.

Update 1.5 patch notes are here! New additions include how to change your appearance in Cyberpunk 2077 and Cyberpunk 2077 apartment locations. Elsewhere, we’ve got explanations on Cyberpunk 2077 life paths, how to earn money, XP leveling, the best Cyberpunk armor and clothing 2077, best Cyberpunk 2077 weapons, romance options, Cyberpunk 2077 endings, and how long does it take to beat Cyberpunk 2077.

What is the maximum level cap in Cyberpunk 2077?

Each one has their limit, and although we do not doubt that there is more than enough content to reach level 100, the maximum level limit in Cyberpunk 2077 is level 50.

It’s not too difficult to try either, as there are a ton of things to do and if you decide to use our “unlimited crafting” method, you’ll reach higher levels quite easily!

This is, of course, the level cap for the game’s release; With DLC planned, it may increase as more updates arrive.

For more explanation of the Cyberpunk 2077 system, we have pages on how to make money and improve your Street Cred.

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