Chess Game #12: Checkmate In 1 Move, White To Play

Chess is a two-player board game that begins when each player controls 16 pieces. The chess game tests your tactical skills. The goal of any chess game is to checkmate the opponent’s king. With these riddles you can learn to play chess and also train and improve your knowledge of positions that can help you in real tournament games.

In these checkmate puzzles, you must try to put the opponent’s king in a position where it is in immediate danger of capture and cannot escape. There is no luck in chess as the outcome of the game is determined solely by the tactics and strategy of the players.

If you’re looking for a chess challenge, try our 1-move checkmate puzzle series. Solve daily chess puzzles with different difficulty levels.

Chess Puzzle #12: Checkmate in 1 Move, White Game

chess games checkmate puzzle

Here we have another chess puzzle for you.

In the chessboard above, White must move to checkmate the black king in one move. To make the chess puzzle more challenging, you have to find the move in 8 seconds.

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Can you checkmate the black king in 1 move to win this chess game?

The black king is sitting on the e3 square of this chessboard. What will be your winning move?

Don’t worry if you can’t find the move, you can always check the solution below.

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Chess Puzzle Solutions

Bravo! If you find the winning move, checkmate the black king. However, if you are trying to solve this chess game, we share the answer below.

Answer: Move the white knight from f2 to d1 to checkmate the black king in 1 move.

chess puzzle solutions

SHARE this chess puzzle with your friends and family. Challenge them to checkmate in 1 move.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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