Can You Spot The Murderer At The Restaurant In 5 Seconds? Test Your Observation Skills!

IQ tests are often done to determine whether someone has a high or low intelligence quotient (IQ). The test measures a person’s cognitive abilities, that is, the ability to solve problems and reason logically.

There are several types of IQ tests, such as verbal, non-verbal, and full scale. These tests are usually exhaustive and tedious. Luckily, there’s also an exciting and fun way to test your IQ (yes, you guessed it right): brain teasers.

Brain teasers are probably the most fun and exciting way to measure a person’s logical thinking and problem-solving skills. And we have one ready for you.

Are you ready to challenge yourself and have fun along the way?

Let us begin.

Can you detect the murderer in 5 seconds?

Let’s take a look at the impossible puzzle with today’s pictures.


Source: Cool Side

Can you accept our challenge and spot the errors in this 90-year-old puzzle in 15 seconds?

In this picture puzzle you can see a woman lying on the floor of a restaurant bathroom. There is blood pooled around her. Someone has killed her.

In the restaurant there are 4 customers and a waiter.

In total, there are 5 suspects and one of them is the murderer. Can you detect the murderer in the given time?

As usual, we also have a time limit set for this brain teaser. You have 5 seconds to find the killer and have the authorities catch him.

Go and get ready, because the challenge is about to begin. Your time starts now!

All the best!

The solution to this imaging puzzle is at the end of this brain puzzle. But we would like to ask everyone to refrain from scrolling directly to the answer. You won’t strengthen your logic or observation skills by cheating. So, if you really want to improve your memory, logical and reasoning skills, first try to solve this brain puzzle yourself. If you fail to resolve this in a given time, then there will be no problem. We all fail sometimes and failure is the springboard to success.

Remember, 5 seconds and not a second more.

Only someone as smart as Sherlock Holmes can spot the fake doctor in 5 seconds!

The clock is ticking!

Hurry up, guys.

Time runs fast. The murderer will escape if he is not caught in the indicated time.

The key to solving this brain puzzle is paying close attention to details. Examine the five suspects and see if anything stands out. For example, the murder weapon is a knife that is currently embedded in the poor woman’s abdomen. Now you know that the murderer left his murder weapon at the crime scene. Look at the suspects one more time and see if any of them have a knife. Thus, examine the crime scene and the suspects one by one, only then will you be able to connect all the dots and catch the murderer in time.

Uh oh… your time is up.

3… 2… and 1

Were you able to find the murderer?

Some of you may have found the killer easily; Congratulations.

And some of you may not have found the killer as easily. If you couldn’t solve the puzzle, don’t worry, we are now revealing the solution to the puzzle.

Puzzle solution

In this picture puzzle, you had to find the murderer within 5 seconds. If you couldn’t solve this riddle and detect the killer within the indicated seconds, scroll down to see the answer.


The murderer is the fourth person.

We hope you liked this brain teaser.

Our daily routines can quickly become monotonous. In the end all we do is work, eat, sleep and repeat. The cycle continues and most of the time we forget that we are human beings, not machines. According to scientists, this monotony can negatively affect our brain and has an adverse effect on our physical and mental health, eventually leading to burnout.

Therefore, it is crucial to break that monotony. We need breaks at regular intervals or our health could be compromised.

Riddles are a great way to break up the monotony. Studies show that solving puzzles can improve cognitive functioning and improve critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Solving puzzles can also refresh your mind and give you a much-desired break. So make sure you solve them daily.

Here we have quite a few of them:

You have eagle eyes if you can spot the carrots among the vegetables in 5 seconds.

Only people with high brain power can detect the stranger within 3 seconds!

Only people with the sharpest eyesight can find 3 daughters of the man hidden in the picture in 9 seconds!

Categories: Optical Illusion

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