Can you find the weight of cat, dog, and rabbit in 15 seconds? Test your IQ!

Riddles are riddles that require quick thinking and proper implementation of logical skills. These words may scare you into thinking that these riddles are difficult to solve; they are not. They are pretty easy to solve and don’t require a lot of brainstorming. All you have to do is use your common sense, logical thinking or observation skills to solve these types of puzzles. These riddles can make you much smarter if you solve them every day and that is why we are here. We are here to help you become smarter while keeping you entertained. So, here’s a challenging but fun brain teaser.

We have a puzzle prepared for you today that requires you to use basic math skills that you may have learned in school. Even fifth graders can solve this brain puzzle. So, are you ready for this brain teaser? Let’s start!

Find the weight of a cat, a dog and a rabbit in 15 seconds

Take a look at the puzzle image below.



In the image above, you can see a cat, a dog, and a rabbit on a scale. The first scale reads the weight of the cat and the dog. Their combined weight is 10 kilograms.

The second scale reads the weight of the dog and rabbit. Their combined weight is 20 kilograms.

The third scale reads the weight of the dog and cat. Their combined weight is 24 kilograms.

The fourth scale weighs the three animals (the cat, the dog and the rabbit), but their combined weight is unknown. This is what you have to discover. What is the combined weight of the cat, dog and rabbit?

All the best!

This is a simple puzzle that requires basic arithmetic knowledge. You must have practiced these types of problems in elementary school, so use that knowledge here and try to solve this puzzle in 15 seconds. We count on you. The solution to this puzzle is provided below. However, please refrain from jumping directly to the answer without solving this puzzle yourself first.

Meanwhile, can you find the woman’s lost keys in 5 seconds?

Could you find the combined weight of the cat, dog and rabbit in this brain puzzle? If you haven’t, hurry up. We think you’re about to run out of time.



And 1.

Time’s up, guys. Were you able to solve this puzzle? If you were able to find the combined weight of the cat, dog, and rabbit in 15 seconds, congratulations. You are definitely one of the smartest people in the room.

Scroll down to find the solution and check if you solved this puzzle correctly.

Solution: Find the weight of the cat, the dog, and the rabbit.

You were asked to find the combined weight of the cat, dog, and rabbit in this puzzle. Here is the solution to the brain puzzle:

Let the weight of cat C, dog D, and rabbit R be.

Now, C + R = 10



C + D + R = ???

Let’s use the first equation and find the value of C.

C = 10-R

Moving on to the second equation, let’s find the value of D.

d = 20-r

Now, substitute the values ​​of C and D into the third equation.

(20 – R) + (10 – R) = 24

=> 20 + 10 – R – R = 24

=> 30 – 2R = 24

=> 6 = 2R

=> 3 = R

So the weight of the rabbit is 3 kg.

Substitute the rabbit’s weight into the last equation.

(C + D) + R = ?

=> 24 + 3 = ?

=> 27

So the combined weight of the cat, dog and rabbit is 27 kg.


Alternatively, you can substitute the weight of the rabbit into the first two equations and find the weight of the cat and the dog, and then use them to solve the fourth equation.

You will find that the cat weighs 7 kg and the dog weighs 17 kg.

We hope you liked this puzzle. Try this carefully:

Only the minds of detectives can find the real wife of the man in a coma in 8 seconds!

Categories: Optical Illusion

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