Brain Teasers: These brain teasers are very exciting, Try them today.

Sometimes we don’t understand exactly what we want in life. Is it money, fame or excellent exam grades? While our priorities change throughout our lives, and throughout our lives we need and want different things at different times, it would not be wrong to say that we all need some time away from our busy schedules at every stage of our lives, in to keep mental exhaustion at bay. What is your favorite source of fun? Many of us choose social media as our biggest source of fun these days, but not all of us realize that it is not pure enjoyment that we get from these social media apps, but they are actually dopamine doses that we get afterward. scrolling through each video or post. Scrolling up and down through social media apps makes it difficult for us to put down our phone, as each post we scroll through releases a certain amount of dopamine in our heads. This release of dopamine makes us somewhat addicted to these social media apps. Yes, scrolling is the new smoking in the digital age.

So what do you think falls within the realm of fun? Do you find listening to music fun? Well, music is a great stress reliever. Listening to your favorite music helps you have fun. Do you find playing sports fun? If yes, then congratulations, you have managed to preserve what was lost years ago.

Sport is something perfect for the body and mind and has no drawbacks. Sports make us fit, keep our minds healthy and help us rejuvenate. Not only does one become fitter and happier through sports, but one also learns not one but many social skills through sports. However, in today’s era where our work requires us to be glued to screens at all times, sometimes our stiff back and legs or tired eyes do not allow us to play outdoors. In such cases, what, according to you, is fun?

Let us introduce you to the brain teasers!

Riddles are nothing more than challenges that stimulate your brain a little for a few seconds. Today we bring you some exciting riddles that might make you smile. The bonus? You can enjoy them alone or with your best friends.

I feel excited? That’s how we are!

Riddles are a great way to add some moments of fun to your daily routine. Do you want to try some puzzles? Here you have!

Try these exciting riddles with your friends and family!

(PS: We also have the answers listed at the end, so you don’t need to worry at all!)

Puzzle 1:

Imagine that you have a microscope at home. How long will a 45° angle measure when viewed with a microscope magnified 25 times?

Puzzle 2:

Why do you think a teacher would wear sunglasses the moment she enters a class?

Puzzle 3:

There is an interesting word in the English language that you must guess in this brain teaser. The first letters mean a woman, while the first two letters mean a man. The first four letters are used to describe someone who is great, but the entire word is used to refer to a great lady. What is this special word?

Puzzle 1:

Imagine that you have a microscope at home. How long will a 45° angle measure when viewed with a microscope magnified 25 times?

Answer 1:

Still 45°

Puzzle 2:

Why do you think a teacher would wear sunglasses the moment she enters a class?

Answer 2:

Because the students are brilliant!

Categories: Optical Illusion

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