Brain teasers: These brain teasers are super fun! Try these.

The puzzles are extremely fun.



Puzzles can be extremely fun sometimes.

Riddles for fun!

Puzzle 1: Can you think of a coat that is always wet when you put it on?

Puzzle 2: What has branches, but no leaves or trunk?

Puzzle 3: How many grapes can a man eat if he has an empty stomach?

Wondering what the answers are? Here you have!

Puzzle 1: Can you think of a coat that is always wet when you put it on?


We are talking about a coat of paint.

Puzzle 2: What has branches, but no leaves or trunk?


A bank!

Puzzle 3: How many grapes can a man eat if he has an empty stomach?


Well, only one, because after consuming a grape your stomach will not be empty.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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