Brain Teasers: These brain teasers are actually something you should definitely try. Try them out.

In case you ever feel like drowning in the oceans of boredom, these riddles will be of great help to you. Why do we present riddles? Well, today’s media is full of content that excites our brain, but rarely challenges it. Plus, there’s nothing the brain needs to do while scrolling through all those short videos that spray some dopamine into our brain with every scroll. Don’t miss out, while these short videos may seem tempting, these dopamine-boosting short videos are enough to get us addicted to these social media apps in no time. No, we are not trying to emphasize here. All we aim to do is offer something that is not only entertaining and relaxing but also valuable. That’s when we came up with a great idea to present some exciting brain puzzles. The benefits of presenting brain puzzles are multiple. First, these can be puzzles that can help you develop a different way of thinking. Puzzles can be very easy at times, and in such cases, we don’t ask ourselves if there is anything valuable worth learning from them, but the reality is that while some puzzles are actually so challenging that they stimulate your brain, even the easiest These help you change your focus and think innovatively. Plus, puzzles are actually a good way to feel fresh. Yes, those exciting videos on social media apps are exciting, but what is much more exciting is when a question forces you to think of an answer and the small dose of delight you get once you solve it is incomparable. And there is nothing wrong with opting for conventional forms of fun. In our eyes, puzzles can never become boring in a world of high-quality visual content.

With this thought, let us introduce you to our exciting set of puzzles, one by one. Enjoy!

Puzzle 1:

How are the words potato and banana similar?

Puzzle 2:

In the year 1995, Sam said he was 10 years old, but in the year 1990, he said he was 15 years old. How is this possible? (Sam doesn’t lie!)

Puzzle 3:

I have a square shaped cardboard box, 32 inches long and 12 inches wide. How many coins can I put in the box so that it is no longer empty?

Puzzle 4:

Mary’s father has 5 children, including Yaya, Yeye, Yiyi and Yoyo. Can you guess the name of the fifth child?


Puzzle 1:

How are the words potato and banana similar?

Answer to brain teaser 1:

Take the first letter of these words and place them at the end of the words. Now, words will read the same when written backwards.

Puzzle 2: In the year 1995, Sam said he was 10 years old, but in the year 1990, he said he was 15 years old. How is this possible? (Sam doesn’t lie!)

Answer to brain teaser 2:

Sam was born in 2005 BC

Puzzle 3:

I have a square shaped cardboard box, 32 inches long and 12 inches wide. How many coins can I put in the box so that it is no longer empty?

Answer to brain teaser 3:

Just a coin. After placing the first coin, the box will no longer be empty.

Puzzle 4:

Mary’s father has 5 children, including Yaya, Yeye, Yiyi and Yoyo. Can you guess the name of the fifth child?

Answer to brain teaser 4:


Categories: Optical Illusion

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