Brain Teaser Puzzle: Only High-IQ People Can Change The Order of the Cups in 7 Seconds By Moving Only 1 Cup

Puzzles – If you are looking for a test of brain power to stimulate your brain and also have fun, you have come to the right place. Today we bring you a puzzle that will surely melt every corner of your brain. So get ready to test your cognition, IQ level and observation skills with this puzzle.


Your brain is a wonderful organ. It controls every part of your body and governs basic functions such as thinking, seeing, understanding, speaking, etc. However, it requires regular stimulation, just as the body requires regular feeding. Today, excessive screen time and digital media have dulled the mind. To regain your senses, you need to take a break and solve riddles, riddles and riddles that exercise the mind. Today we have one of those riddles that is sure to leave you scratching your head.

Puzzle: Move 1 cup to change the order of the cups

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Source: Bright Side

In the image above, you can see a collection of mugs. Some are empty, others are full. However, they are arranged in a certain order. One after another the glasses are filled. The challenge before you is to arrange them in such an order that all the full glasses are next to each other.

Understood? Let’s start now.

Remember that you only have 7 seconds to find a solution.

And you have to MOVE only 1 cup.

Puzzle solution

So, have you come up with a solution to this mug puzzle? Don’t worry if you didn’t. It may be viral on the Internet, but no one fixes it easily. Only people with high IQ can solve this puzzle on the first try. Most people are left scratching their heads. The correct answer is below:

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You have to move the first cup from the left and empty it into the middle cup. Then place it towards the far right corner. That’s all! You can also repeat the exact same process from the right side.

So, did you have fun solving this unique puzzle? Hopefully, you have an idea of ​​what your intelligence level is. Tell us if you liked this riddle in the comments.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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