Brain Teaser IQ Test: Solve the matchstick puzzle in 10 seconds!

Puzzles: Puzzles are created for the purpose of testing people’s logical and analytical thinking skills.

In these puzzles, readers are presented with a scenario in which they must use the skills mentioned above to solve the problem.

Regular practice of puzzles keeps the brain alert and helps prevent cognitive decline in adults.

One such puzzle is making waves on the Internet, where readers are asked to solve the equation by moving a match.

Ready to test how sharp your brain is?

Then solve the matchstick puzzle in 10 seconds.

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IQ test: solve the matchstick puzzle in 10 seconds


Source: Cool Side

The image shared above shows a mathematical equation formed by matches.

The equation shown is:

8 + 3 = 3

If we add the numbers then this is incorrect.

The challenge for you is to arrange the matches in such a way that the mathematical equation is correct.

Now you have 10 seconds of time and a condition to take into account.

The condition is:

You can only move a match.

Get thinking and see if you can solve the puzzle in 10 seconds.

To solve this enigma you have to be very attentive and study the image carefully.

This is a moderate level challenge and people with high intelligence and excellent attention to detail will solve the puzzle faster than others.

How many of you have solved the puzzle?

Hurry up; there isn’t much time left.

Look at the picture again and identify the match that needs to be moved to correct the equation.

The last seconds remain.

Three, two, one…


Time is over.

Were you able to solve the puzzle?

Hopefully, most of you have done so, while some of you are still scratching your heads.

Curious to know the solution?

Let’s not keep you waiting.

See the solution now!

Only the smartest people can find 6 bugs in 10 seconds!

Solve the matchstick puzzle in 10 seconds: solution

The equation can be corrected by moving a match from the bottom right side of the number 8 and placing it on the left side of the number 3.


Doing this makes the equation:

6+3 = 9

Which is correct.

Interesting, right?

If you enjoyed solving this challenge, you can try a few more here:

Find the Difference Challenge to test your vision: Find 2 differences in 5 seconds!

Puzzle to test your IQ: find which paper was recently printed in 6 seconds!

Categories: Optical Illusion

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