Brain Teaser IQ Test: Can You Find The Killer And Solve The Murder Mystery In 11 Seconds?

IQ Test: Another day, another murder mystery you must solve. There is too much sadness and despair in the world, but you are the modern Sherlock Holmes and it is time to solve crimes and deliver justice.

It takes immensely good observation and critical thinking skills to solve puzzles, riddles and riddles. However, the reward is equally satisfying. The rush of dopamine makes you feel better, and over time, mental exercises, like puzzles, can make you smarter.

No one is born with masterful deduction skills or a high IQ, but you can get smarter. The first step is practice. So here you go. We bring you a fun but challenging IQ test.

Put on your detective hat and solve the following murder mystery by finding the killer in the restaurant in 11 seconds.

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IQ Test: Can you find the killer and solve the murder mystery in 11 seconds?

puzzle murder mystery

Image source: 7 Second Riddles

Here is a murder mystery riddle for you.

There has been a murder in a restaurant.

A woman has been found on the bathroom floor with three people near her body:

  1. A) The janitor
  2. B) The waitress
  3. c) the cook

All three carry weapons that could have been used to murder.

The waitress has a gun.

The cook is covered in blood and has knives.

The janitor has a rope.

But only one of them killed the woman.

Who could it be? Well, that’s what you’re here for.

Look carefully at the image and deduce who killed the woman. All the clues are in front of you. But remember, time is of the essence. You only have 11 seconds to solve the murder mystery and find the killer. So hurry up!

Your time starts NOW!

Related: IQ Test Puzzle: Only the Top 1% of Geniuses Can Find the Killer in the Clothing Store in 33 Seconds! Can?

IQ Test: Murder Mystery Solved

Puzzle Murder Mystery Solution

So, did you arrest the suspect? Let’s see if you caught the right person or not.

The murderer in the restaurant is (A) the janitor. Find out how below.

The woman is dead, but there is no blood. Also, she has her eyes and mouth open. She was killed with a method that does not cause bleeding.

The waitress with the gun and the cook with the knives could not have killed the woman.

Therefore, the janitor is the murderer who strangled the woman with the rope.

Did you come to the same conclusion? You’re a modern Sherlock Holmes if you were one.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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