Benjamin Franklin Birth Anniversary: What is Benjamin Franklin Day and why it is celebrated?

Benjamin Franklin Day 2023: Every year on January 17, on the anniversary of his birth, Benjamin Franklin Day is celebrated in honor of one of the most important founding fathers of the United States. It is a time to recognize one of America’s most illustrious and significant people and remember his many accomplishments and the influence he had on the world.

Put on your party hats and celebrate Ben’s 317th birthday with us next Tuesday 🥳🍰🎈

Your invitation:

– Benjamin Franklin House (@BFHouse)
January 10, 2023

Who was Benjamin Franklin?

Benjamin Franklin, one of the most prominent and significant figures of the American Enlightenment, was born on January 17, 1706. He contributed greatly to science, literature, and politics. Franklin was a scholar who achieved success in a variety of fields, but is best known for his experiments with electricity that contributed to the development of the guiding principles of modern electrical science. Franklin was a successful inventor who is credited with creating a number of useful inventions, including the lightning rod and bifocal glasses, as well as his role in helping draft the United States Constitution.

Why is Benjamin Franklin Day celebrated?

Franklin led a full life and his literary works, full of virtues and good habits, can teach us many important lessons about life. Think about it a little and review his daily schedule in particular. He is among the most inspiring and extraordinarily talented people, and that fact alone is cause for celebration.

Benjamin Franklin Day is celebrated in some places, often as a way to recognize Franklin’s many contributions to American society and culture, although his origins are unknown.

Science: The most notable contribution made by Benjamin Franklin to the study of electricity was the creation of the lightning rod in 1752. He also created terms that are still used today in electronics, including “battery,” “charge,” “conductor,” and ” electrify.” His scholarly writings contributed to the founding of the American Philosophical Society, the first such organization in the colonies, in the 1740s. He also created the Franklin stove and bifocals.

Education: Franklin founded the Library Company of Philadelphia, the first subscription library, in 1731. His pamphlet on the importance of educating children in Pennsylvania led to the founding of today’s University of Pennsylvania in 1741, which is still considered one of the best. universities of the nation.

Civics: He began representing Pennsylvania in 1757 and, by the 1770s, had also been named the first American ambassador to France. Additionally, he was a member of the group of five people in charge of writing and signing the Declaration of Independence. He added to his resume being the country’s first postmaster general and, after his death, his image appeared on the country’s first postage stamp.

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What are the main inventions of Benjamin Franklin?

Franklin never applied for a single patent despite having created some of the most successful and well-known inventions of the modern era; he thought that ideas should be exchanged freely. Among Benjamin Franklin’s most notable creations are:

Being an avid swimmer, Franklin came up with the idea of ​​creating swimming fins when he was just 11 years old. They were two oval pieces of wood that, when held in the hands, gave the user greater propulsion through the water. His foot fins were another experiment, but they were not as successful. He spoke of his childhood invention in an essay titled “On the Art of Swimming.”

  • Franklin/Pennsylvania Stove (1741)

Franklin created a better method of heating rooms in 1742, perhaps because he was tired of the cold Pennsylvania winters. The metal-clad chimney, which became known as the Franklin stove, was placed a few inches from the chimney. An inverted siphon helped extract more heat and a hollow baffle at the back allowed heat from the fire to mix with the air more quickly. Additionally, his creation generated less smoke than a conventional fireplace, making it even more attractive.

Franklin came up with a low-cost method to prevent houses from burning down using his knowledge of electricity. The rod served as a deflector for the lightning, sending electricity into the ground near a structure. They quickly gained popularity, and even King George III installed one in his palatial residence. Since then, the lightning rod has undergone modifications, including one by Nikola Tesla.

Franklin’s brother had kidney stones, which made it difficult for him to urinate. The inventor came up with a viable alternative to the painful rigid tube that doctors prescribed to their patients. Even now, people mainly use flexible catheters.

  • 24-hour clock with three wheels (1757)

A three-wheeled clock with the standard time of Hours, Minutes and Seconds. Unlike other watches, I wanted to create a simpler watch.

The harmonica, which is Italian for “harmony,” immediately became well known, but by the 1820s it had virtually disappeared. “Of all my creations, the glass harmonica is the one that has given me the greatest personal satisfaction.” This is how Franklin described the musical instrument he created in 1761.

Franklin is credited with developing bifocals in his later years because he needed corrective lenses to address two vision problems. The question has recently arisen as to whether Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals or simply popularized them as an early adopter.

  • Long arm (extension arm) for reaching tall books (1786)

Franklin was a great fan of books. However, it was difficult to reach books on the high shelves. He designed and made an arm extender when he realized that he couldn’t reach the books on the top shelf of his library. He gave this invention the name “long arm.”

More than two centuries after his death, Franklin is still remembered for his life and legacy of scientific and political achievements, as well as his status as one of America’s most influential founding fathers, on the $100 bill, the warships, the names of numerous cities, countries, educational institutions and corporations, as well as in numerous pop culture references and with a portrait in the Oval Office.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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