Attention People! This Brain Teaser Is Impossible To Solve In 8 Seconds.

Puzzles: Do you want a way out of your monotonous lives? If your answer is yes, then we have an exciting surprise for you.

A riddle is a puzzle or riddle that requires some thought and problem solving. The goal is to find the answer without using brute force methods. You might think that puzzles are exhausting and something that requires a lot of work, however, that is not the case. Yes, they require you to implement lateral thinking in order to solve them.

However, they are anything but exhausting, quite the opposite.

Yes, you read it right. Scientific studies have shown that brain teasers are quite refreshing. They are excellent for improving cognitive skills, especially those related to logic and reasoning. Additionally, they can improve memory retention, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities.

Are you a good observer? Someone with critical thinking skills?

If your answer is yes, then we have a challenging riddle for you to solve.

We know that no one can solve this puzzle in 8 seconds or less. Can?


Excellent! We knew you liked challenges.

Well, then let’s get into it.

Look at the image below. Here you see some geometric shapes in different sizes and colors.


Source: Cool Side

In this geometric puzzle, you must try to find the strange one.

Are you ready?

If this seems difficult, then we will make it more difficult.

You have to find the stranger in 8 seconds or less.

So, get out your magnifying glass, set your timer, and get started.

You have to find the correct answer.

Consider this an impromptu test of your logical thinking. However, we won’t judge if you don’t get the right answer.

All the best!

You don’t have much time to guess the answer.

3… 2… and 1.

Time’s up friends!

Have you solved this brain teaser?

We sincerely hope that you have solved it well because now we will reveal the answers.

The first is the stranger.

Surprising, right?

It seemed quite normal, like the other forms.

However, you didn’t notice one thing.

The square with the red border has no individual features.

Take note of these:

  • The second has a spherical shape that is distinguished from all other shapes.
  • The blue border surrounding the third form is missing.
  • The fifth shape is significantly smaller and the fourth shape has a different tone.

The first way is the only one that is not unusual, so that is the answer.

If you were able to guess the answer, congratulations!

And if you didn’t make it, better luck next time!

We hope you had fun solving this brain teaser.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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