Assassin’s Creed Origins sidequests explained – how to complete every type of sidequest quickly and easily

Assassin’s Creed Origins Side Missions Explained

There are many (and we mean a batch) of side quests in Origins, too many to cover in great detail, but most of them fall into one or two of a handful of categories, so rather than list them all in exhaustive detail, we’ve decided to cover them in a general way. Most side quests are made up of one or more of the following types of activity: sometimes it’s a simple “rescue the guy” that will take a couple of minutes, sometimes it’s a ten-minute multi-step procedure that requires you to You find some clues, follow a suspect, clear an area of ​​hostiles and explore a hidden cave, but they’re still built from the same building blocks.

Rescue the prisoner

You will be tasked with securing the release of a prisoner from an enemy-held camp. Start by surveying the area with Senu to mark their precise location and tag the enemies guarding them; In most cases, they will be near one of the edges of the area, giving you a safe route in and out. Most of them can escape on their own once you’ve unlocked the cage, but occasionally you’ll have to take them out; If that’s the case, once you’ve unlocked the cage, you may have to take out some guards, as you can’t climb walls with someone on your shoulder, which means you may have to exit through the front door. instead of sneaking away.

Pick up the items

Whatever you’re tasked with collecting will either be in an enemy camp (in which case it’s very similar to rescuing a prisoner) or hidden somewhere in the environment. Use Senu to explore the search area and then climb/dive/sneak to retrieve them.

Defeat the enemies

A nice and simple job. As before, take advantage of your aerial view to monitor numbers and locations, then eliminate enemies silently from the shadows or advance waving a weapon.

Investigations: Search for clues

Once you’ve reached the marked area, use an Animus Pulse to mark items of interest; They will be given an orange arrow and an Eye of Horus icon indicating their location. Examine them one by one to learn what you need to learn.

Do you need more help? Our Assassin’s Creed Origins walkthrough and guide will take you through every step of the main story and quests, while we also have guides on how to get XP and level up, plus explanations on how Assassin’s Creed Origins side quests work , plus how to obtain crafting materials. and animal products, and even complete solutions and walkthroughs for all of the tombs, silica, and anchient mechanisms in Assassin’s Creed Origins. We also have a list of all the Papyrus Puzzle locations, the legendary and cursed weapons from Origins and how they are acquired, and finally a detailed page on Phylakes, Phylakes’ Prey, and how to get the Black Hood outfit.

Investigations: ask the audience

In the research area there will be some NPCs with an Eye of Horus icon above their heads; usually there are three, sometimes four. Talk to them in turns to learn their secrets.

Shooting guard

Many players will groan inwardly when they hear the phrase “escort mission”, but fortunately they are not too painful. Your NPC in charge actually has a sense of self-preservation, so if there’s any trouble, they’ll cover until it’s over, and not all escorting involves danger in the first place. It’s not impossible for them to die, but you almost have to deliberately try to kill them for this to happen.


If you’re asked to discreetly follow an NPC, simply keep a safe distance behind them; They’re not very observant, and unlike previous games, you don’t have to keep them in sight at all times, so there’s no need to go through complicated steps. paths over roofs and through bushes. After all, what is more suspicious; Do you just walk the same path as someone, or do you always bend over to tie your shoelaces or read a newspaper when someone looks at you?

Categories: Guides

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