Are You Someone Who Loves Challenges? Then These Math Riddles Are For You.

Are You Someone Who Loves Challenges? Then These Math Riddles Are For You.

Not everyone is a big fan of math or math puzzles. But people who are know that solving math puzzles is a great way to practice their problem-solving skills and get some much-needed mental exercise.

Studies have shown that solving math problems is an effective way to test your brain power and improve your analytical skills, as solving these problems requires a combination of logic, creativity, and strategy.

Our goal is to help you with your studies and help you become smarter than you already are.

Why are we here if not to help you? That’s why we have another set of math puzzles waiting for you. These math puzzles are for adults, students, and anyone who loves math.

Are you ready to solve them?

We hope you are.

Let us begin!

Math Riddle #1

There are 500 coffins and 500 men who need them. The undertaker asks the first man to go to each coffin and open them. Then he tells the second man to go to each coffin and close it. The third goes to every third coffin and so on.

How many coffins are left open?

Math Riddle #2

Two years from now, Tom will be twice as old as he was five years ago. How old is Tom now?

Math Riddle #3

Sally is 54 years old and her mother is 80. How many years ago was Sally’s mother three times her age?

Math Riddle #4

Use the numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5 and the ‘+’ and ‘=’ symbols to make a true equation.

Math Riddle #5

There is an area of ​​water lilies that grow in a lake. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake?

If you are good at math, you will be able to solve this riddle easily, but if math is not your strong suit, you will have to work hard to find the answer.

If this seems too easy for you, then we will turn this math riddle into a challenge for you.

You have to solve each question in 10 seconds or less.

And your time begins now.

All the best!

Math Riddle #1

There are 500 coffins and 500 men who need them. The undertaker asks the first man to go to each coffin and open them. Then he tells the second man to go to each coffin and close it. The third goes to every third coffin and so on.

How many coffins are left open?

Answer. 22

Math riddle #2

Two years from now, Tom will be twice as old as he was five years ago. How old is Tom now?

Answer. 12

Math Riddle #3

Sally is 54 years old and her mother is 80. How many years ago was Sally’s mother three times her age?

Answer. 41

Mathematical riddle #4

Use the numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5 and the ‘+’ and ‘=’ symbols to make a true equation.

Answer. 3 + 4 – 5 = 2

Mathematical riddle #5

There is an area of ​​water lilies that grow in a lake. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake?

Answer. The question states that the spot doubles in size every day and in 48 days it covers the entire lake. So, in (48 – 1) days, the patches will cover half of the lake.

Therefore, it would take 47 days for the lily patches to cover half of the lake, as in one day they will double and cover the entire lake.

We hope you liked this math riddle.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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