5 Most Common Myths About Introverts Debunked

5 Most Common Myths About Introverts Debunked

Introverts are often misunderstood due to their behavior, which has given rise to several myths about them. Some tend to show introverts in a positive light, while others do so in a negative light. Today we take a look at some of the most common myths about introverts.

Introverts are more intelligent, antisocial and shy are some of the prevalent beliefs about introverts in the world. Many of these beliefs have been debunked as myths by psychologists. Read on to learn the 5 most common myths about introverts.

Who is an introvert?

The dictionary definition of introvert is a person who has an introspective nature and prefers to spend time alone. One of the most common traits of introverts is that they gain energy through solitude and silence. Some modern psychologists also define introverts as people at the other extreme of extraversion, which is the tendency to seek attention and social interaction. Other signs of introversion include:

  • I need silence to concentrate
  • They are self-aware and introspective.
  • Take time to make decisions
  • Feel more comfortable being alone
  • I don’t like working in groups.
  • Feeling tired after being in a crowd.

Introverts are not always quiet and shy. Personality type has more to do with how you process things than how outgoing you are. https://t.co/P835nO8O5i pic.twitter.com/KT1V5hcjx6

-WebMD (@WebMD)
October 13, 2019

Introverts are shy.

Shyness is a trait often attributed to introverts, but it is just a common trait, not exclusive. It is entirely possible to be shy and not introverted, or vice versa. Shyness is characterized by discomfort when interacting with people. Introverts don’t like to interact, but that doesn’t mean they are afraid to talk or get nervous around people.

Introverts are antisocial.

Due to their reserved nature and lack of social skills, most people perceive introverts as antisocial. Introverts have trouble maintaining conversations, prefer not to greet others, reject invitations, and speak frankly. This can annoy people and give the impression that introverts are antisocial.

Introverts are more intelligent.

Another common opinion about introverts is that they are naturally smarter than most people. While it portrays introverts in a positive light, unfortunately, the belief that introverts are smarter is a myth. Most scientists, artists, and highly successful people are introverts, but that doesn’t mean extroverts or other non-introverts aren’t smart or can’t achieve success.

Introverts want to be alone.

Introverts prefer to be alone, but they don’t need to be alone all the time. An introvert is very comfortable with themselves and would rather stay home and daydream than go out to a party. That’s the first instinct of introverts. However, introverts love hanging out with their close friends and can even thrive at social gatherings if they’re in the mood.

Introverts cannot be good leaders

Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln and Warren Buffet are just a few of the most famous introverts in history. Good leadership has nothing to do with introversion or extroversion. It’s about inspiring other people to reach their potential. Introverts’ honesty, introspective nature, humility, and ability to listen make them great leaders.

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Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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